COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Canadian province of Quebec reports first omicron case

The Quebecois health minister has reported the discovery of a first case of the omicron variant, Reuters reports.

Sourcing is extremely murky, so weight accordingly. There’s a graph in the thread.

EDIT: Also,


This probably belongs in the GOP insanity containment thread, but that’s a very difficult thing to contain these days.

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The UK is one of the world’s busiest air transport hubs and, like South Africa, has a large genomics sector to determine the variants involved in infections – increasing the probability both of importing and detecting cases.

On Saturday, two UK cases were announced, rising to three on Sunday – all in people linked to travel to southern Africa. On Monday morning, six new cases involving the Omicron variant had been identified in Scotland and this time some had no travel history.

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It is likely there are many more cases of the variant already in the UK, but as yet undetected, because it can take a couple of weeks for this process to be completed

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Ourselves and what, 20 other countries are able to test them as they get off planes and have confirmed results in max 24hrs (see Netherlands etc.) We’re already delving through older tests and may (will) have hundreds of cases shortly.

Either the US’ flight ban is working a treat or this isn’t happening stateside

I still don’t think these reactionary, narrow targeted bans do anything. Total multiple week bans / quarantines make more sense.

There is no way to know where the next mutation is coming from so precognitive banning isn’t a thing. I do think countries are being harshly punished for sciencing.

The lag between mutation and full discover seems lagging enough that you are always going to
Have fairly wife propagation,

All that being said it does seem like SA is loading up plans of omnicron.

Not according to your own link.

Confirmed means lab confirmed. It doesn’t take much to put a sample on a motorbike. And ‘up to’ means up to. Are you incapable of reading the difference? Look for words like ‘suspected’ and ‘confirmed’.

Instead we got squid game.

Literally had an Uber eats push offering me a free crispy chicken sandwich with a $20 McDonald’s order, as I read your post.

Out of my phone.

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The inferiority of the American response is limited only by your imagination.


US President Joe Biden has said the omicron variant “is a cause for concern, not a cause for panic”.

The best protection is to get vaccinated and receive a booster when eligible, he said, urging all Americans to do so as quickly as possible.

Although no cases of the omicron variant have yet been found in the US, he said: “Sooner or later, we are going to see new cases of this new variant here in the United States and we’re going to have to face this new threat just as we have faced the ones that came before it.”

In terms of preventative measures, he encouraged Americans to wear masks indoors and in public places, but said that further travel bans were unlikely.

There’s some code in there

After crowing about how long it takes for the US to process samples, you post a link indicating that it takes just as long for them to be processed in the UK. You’re blatantly trolling the thread.


That’s your evidence? Geez, I couldn’t make a parody account of you. What Biden said is true and has nothing to do with our sequencing capabilities.

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I read that as ‘sooner or later we’ll be able to let y’all know’, not ‘jeez, we’re testing everything and everybody and we’re the only first world country not even to detect a case yet’ but YMMV.

You must admit it’s ‘strange’ that all these other countries have the capability but the most powerful man in the world is still claiming ‘sooner or later’ (I know, can’t level with me, must keep up the chirade)

Meanwhile, let’s look for some aliens

LOL. Dude, we were just looking at the US sequencing capacity being #1 in the world and able to detect the presence of any novel variant in 0.01% of samples. RIGHT NOW, not some imaginary future.

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Sore arm. Maybe some tiredness? More than that is pretty unusual.

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This thread has reeked of low content nonsense the last few hours. Please try and do better going forward.