COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Getting better though…

So the USA sequences more than any other country in the world


And you get a free Happy Meal with every 10th sequence. USA! USA! USA!

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You said:

Meanwhile, seems like USA#1 are rapidly opening up a couple of labs to actually check if they have this (yawn) 7 days, 7 days - some surveillance you got there

Expanding capacity on top of the largest sequencing capacity in the world is not “opening up to actually check.” The capacity is there and has been sequencing more than anyone else already.


Self-isolation probably not going to work if peeps being trying escapes from hotel isolation

Yeah there’s someone being nationalistic here and it ain’t me


Yes, while global spread is high international travel should come with required quarantine at the other end. Seems like 14 days is the right amount of time (could argue longer for extra caution but should get 95%+ of the cases), will have to see what omnicron brings.

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they could arguably isolate before traveling, and follow masks/testing/etc.

i had this issue when i traveled between states. according to the letter of the law i would have to quarantine, but my entire visit was for 5 days. it was impractical and impossible.


Well, if some rando on Twitter says he heard a thing, it must be the gospel truth (as long as it lets you troll Americans, anyway).

I’m not trolling Amercians - they’re just the first comments in your link and they seem valid to me and relevant to the thread. I wOnT uSe TRollINg case format though.

I think churchill posted that for SUSAN B’s reply that omicron is detectable using PCR testing and doesn’t require sequencing.

Spain detects its first Omicron case

Spain says it has detected its first case of the Omicron variant in a man who had recently arrived from South Africa.

The 51-year-old was tested after his flight landed at Madrid airport on Sunday after a stopover in Amsterdam.

The man has “light symptoms” and is now in quarantine, Madrid authorities say.

France ’s health ministry says it has detected eight possible cases of the Omicron variant.

Sweden reports first omicron case

One case of the Omicron coronavirus variant has been detected in Sweden, the Public Health Agency said on Monday.

The case was detected in a test taken a little over a week ago from a person who had travelled from South Africa, the agency said in a statement.

In light of his earlier comment that got hidden, he was at least also trying to make a point about how incompetent the US is with the massive backlog here.

What is the turn around time in the UK, anyway?

So this data shows hospital admissions by week in Gauteng (enlarge, select from right hand list).

Might be worth watching.

Cliffs so far:
Week commencing 1st Nov = 120 new admissions.
Week commencing 22nd Nov = 580 new admissions.

Currently 862 patients, 703 in general care, 100 in high care and 59 in ICU.

Cases (7 day MA):
Week commencing 1st Nov = 352 per day
A week ago = 589
Current = 1976

Dunno how this compares to earlier waves.

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Lol @ citing to random Twitter responses. A+ work.

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Scientists in the UK and South African are at the forefront of this technology, which is why most new variants have been detected in these countries. But that doesn’t always mean they originated there.

In standard tests, Omicron has what’s known as an “S-gene dropout” which makes tracking positive cases which resemble the variant pretty easy.

But not all “S-gene dropouts” will necessarily be omicron - full genomic sequencing is needed to be sure.

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I don’t think wookie would think PCR couldn’t find omicron. He actually knows what PCR is and probably has done it himself. You can build a probe for far smaller sequences and amplify it easily. Hell I think my first PCR I ever did was something like 3 or 4 codons IIRC.

I mean, formally this only detects a variant that is distinct from the probes, which could also be Pi, Rho, or Omicron*** or Omicron++. It also detects PCR drop outs, which happen all the time due to bad luck, low levels of virus, or sample degradation.