COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

So for this variant we stay in a basement or in a room away from windows until it passes?

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you guys be calling it a ‘Macron’ soon (Ma-Cron, not Ma-Croooon) :)

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My whole shift today was preparing PCR-tests and get them ready for transport to the lab afterwards. In between I rushed to get my 3rd dose. We could test around the clock every day we just dont have the manpower for it. One of the few remaining unvaxxed therapists got Covid for the 2nd time now. The hospital is still signing unvaxxed people apparently waiting for the government to make the call that you have to be vaxxed to work in a hospital. For now everyone working here has to be tested before starting to work. Fun times and no end in sight. With the new variant I just get more and more the feeling we will enter a endless doom loop. People are stupid. One of my friends at work cant understand how the vaxxed therapists could have a christmas party without the unvaxxed coworkers. She cant fathom that the vaxxed staff is just sick of this shit. Not to mention that the unvaxxed coworkers are often the loudest and always defend their stance. Its tough. Fun thing is she gave me a hard time why I didnt ask everyone personally last year around christmas if they want the vaccine. Now she defends the unvaxxed people. The only explanation is that she lives among too many of these clowns and at some point it just rubs off. She had Covid herself as one of the first but before the vaccine was available. She also wanted to get the vaccine only weeks after her infection. That stance slowly shifted and in the end she got a shot so she could go on a holiday.

Honestly at this point the only hope is that some of the more high profile unvaxxed workers of the hospital, who are currently sick, dies and acts as a wake-up call for the rest.
Our 7-day indexes is 1140. 30% here voted for the right wing party during the last election.


So like this bad boy has 30 mutations or whatever. So 30 things are different.

How many things are the same between the variants? Is it like 30 changes out of 1000? 100000000000000?

  1. 32 to the spike itself. Another 10 to receptor binding. 2 to the furin cleavage. think the other 8 are non-consequential.

US announces travel curbs over variant

The United States has joined the European Union and the UK in implementing travel restrictions on visitors from southern Africa after the discovery of a new Covid variant.

A senior administration official said that the restrictions will apply to South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho, Eswatini, Mozambique, and Malawi.

The curbs were being “implemented out of an abundance of caution in light of a new Covid-19 variant circulating in Southern Africa”, the official said.

Yah cool. So how much is the same?


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Lol at breathless posting Feigel Ding. sensationalist garbage. “Potentially 500 percent” is a joke figure designed to hook for engagement. Wake me up when there’s a shred of evidence that it evades vaccines

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Israels cases all in the vaxxed. Good booster rate there too. No deaths though yet (too early for that). MRNA vaxxs only in Israel.

My understanding (and correct me if Im wrong) is that this variant was showing a lot of mutations that were predicted potential paths from previous labwork and that labwork is where the evasion worry is coming from.

Agree with the post below yours. The permanent doomsdayers are being predictably click baity, but its these mutations combined with seeing what looks like outcompeting delta in a population that has the WHO and everyone back on high alert.

It’s way too early to draw any kind of conclusion from that.

I know its the only available evidence at this stage

The common thread here is that she thinks that you should bend over backwards to accommodate other people no matter how unreasonable their demands, that you should never criticize someone else’s choices not matter how stupid and destructive. This is now very common. It’s a thoroughly toxic cultural value that runs deep. I don’t remember things being this way 20 years ago, maybe I was just a sheltered 25 year old.

Israel has a high vaccination rate and is only averaging 256 cases a day total against a population of 9 million, so yeah, kind of hard to draw any kind of conclusion whatsoever at this point.

As a forum of former poker players hopefully everyone understands that anecdotal evidence is not actually good evidence for anything. You might be right. You might be wrong. But what you’ve posted so far is not evidence of anything.

Three people getting vaccinated and not coming down with major illness after exposure to Omicron isn’t really evidence that the vaccines aren’t working. It’s far too soon to say anything sensibly one way or the other on immune evasion.

Having incomplete evidence is not an excuse to make hasty conclusions



£72bn wiped off London stock market

Around £72bn has been wiped off the value of London’s top shares in a stock market fall sparked by the new Covid variant in southern Africa.

The FTSE 100 slipped by 3.6% on Friday, marking its heftiest points fall since the early days of the pandemic in March 2020.

Meanwhile the FTSE 250, which includes smaller companies, dropped 3.2% - wiping a further £13.5bn off the London stock exchange.

The variant, currently known as B.1.1.529, has been identified in South Africa, Botswana, Belgium, Hong Kong and Israel.

The World Health Organization has said it will take a few weeks to understand the impact of the new variant, as experts work to determine how transmissible it is.

Well, if there’s one thing we’ve learned the last couple years, it’s that stock prices are rational, objective measures of value not subject to the whims of a few irrational actors.