COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Can you put some units on these numbers? 50 of what?

It is amino acid counts

It’s also intentionally misleading to quote stock market changes by total dollar value. It’s a transparent attempt to position things in STAGGERINGLY BIG NUMBER terms.

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So you’re saying this is wrong:

Close. Omicron strain sounds like book six in a Micheal Crichton series.

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But the time to panic is NOW, bro! Churchill is convinced by staggeringly incomplete information that this is definitely the big one.


No, it’s the number that changed from the total number.

Well, I don’t know if we should hang all the awful media headlines and framing on @churchill . Let’s just hang it on the bad media.


It is also incredibly heavily mutated. Prof Tulio de Oliveira, the director of the Centre for Epidemic Response and Innovation in South Africa, said there was an “unusual constellation of mutations” and that it was “very different” to other variants that have circulated.

“This variant did surprise us, it has a big jump on evolution [and] many more mutations that we expected,” he said.

In a media briefing Prof de Oliveira said there were 50 mutations overall and more than 30 on the spike protein, which is the target of most vaccines and the key the virus uses to unlock the doorway into our body’s cells.

Zooming in even further to the receptor binding domain (that’s the part of the virus that makes first contact with our body’s cells), it has 10 mutations compared to just two for the Delta variant that swept the world.



He’s personally on the record that it is a “game changer.”

And you’re personally on the record that Delta hasn’t spread from UK, to checks notes, Europe.

It’s like Churchill controls the WHO and all the other experts not named wookie, folks

So if I’m following this correctly, the spike protein itself has about 1200 AAs and omicron has about 30 of those 1200 mutated?

Also is it 30 mutations compared to OG SARS-CoV-2 or compared to delta variant?

Lol, what? Quote me

This is a wild mischaracterization.

50 compared to delta

Shrug. I’m already seeing Canada plans to restrict travel to South Africa. “Game changer” doesn’t really mean anything but there is some smoke/fire here.

I’m only asking about the spike protein. So it’s ~30 compared to the delta spike protein?

~30, 32 is the statement so yes, compared with 2 or 3 before I believe

There is undoubtedly a lot of reason to be concerned. One of the first warning signs that covid was going to be a big deal was by tracking extraordinary actions taken by individual countries (especially China). The fact that so many countries have so quickly shut down travel here is very concerning.

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