COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Yeah that goes to the other thing I said, namely a society not set up well to deal with this kind of crisis. Osterholm said in one of his calls, essentially, that he talked with Whitmer and she wanted to do more (think this was during the Spring wave in Michigan), but told him she wasnt willing to die for it so nah.

Also should be a lesson to the “democracy is fine what are you worried about social media brain” crowd. The wounds in democracy are already pretty deep just from the violence so far.

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What if being less than 100% truthful is the only way to have a chance of getting the desired results?

Democracy’s biggest flaw is that people are morons. Social media didn’t cause that.


Well whatever we did certainly didnt get the desired results and may be about to lead to somewhere very bad, so, idk?

America, and the American attitudes they have exported, have cut the knees out from any solution that requires collective action. See health care, climate changes, etc. The only difference with COVID is that we haven’t been hearing about COVID for decades and gotten numb to it.

EU member states agree snap travel ban on seven African nations

Following talks, EU member states have agreed to bring in rapid travel restrictions on all travel into the EU from seven countries in southern Africa after the emergence of a new variant in the region.

In a tweet, the EU Commission President’s chief spokesman Eric Mamer says the countries subject to the travel ban are:

  • Botswana
  • Eswatini
  • Lesotho
  • Mozambique
  • Namibia
  • South Africa
  • Zimbabwe

He adds that Covid tests, quarantine and contact tracing for incoming passengers are important.

Sure, let’s just delegitimize the public health system totally and see how low we can drive vaccination rates.

Founding fathers were all over this. Unfortunately their solutions included bright ideas like the electoral college.

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WHO says new Covid strain is ‘variant of concern’

The World Health Organization says that preliminary evidence suggests that a new Covid variant carries a higher risk of reinfection than other variants.

The variant, currently known as B.1.1.529, has been identified in South Africa, Botswana, Belgium, Hong Kong and Israel.

It has designated it a variant of concern and given it the name: Omicron.

Man, I really liked this new thread title…


I’d change it but alas, my trust level…

Average and median ability to sort through this information are two different things. Average is bad but livable. Below the median….yikes.

Good thread (I know some don’t like Slavitt, but that aside read the whole thing)


Not yet at least. BBC had South African Health Minister on the chair of the South African Medical Association on and she said that what they were seeing at this moment were “only mild cases”. Likened the current international moves as “a storm in a teacup.” Said that we didn’t know enough right now to determine any correct course of action other than vigilance and testing. Not entirely sure how much her opinion was swayed by the science (or lack thereof) and how much by not wanting to see southern Africa isolated.

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Yeah, the only way around this is to lie in ways that are really transparent to competent people in the hopes of tricking the stupid people. That’s not a really fertile system for great outcomes.

There were reasons we didn’t vote for senate directly.

It’s either tyranny by the few OR

As it turns out tyranny by the masses (grossly misinformed by the few) in order to get to tyranny by the few.

8 x more deadly despite no reported deaths yet. Story checks out.

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Stop fact checking, just doom scroll for the buzz.


His thread is good. It is really frustrating to watch news media take “we don’t know yet” into “may be more transmissible” and “may escape vaccines” which, while technically true, they don’t give any lip service to the alternatives, so everyone perceives panic.

Because prior recent infection by delta not conferring any immunity whatsoever against Omicron is really really really really really really really unlikely.

This one might be even better. I’m not sure who to thank, but A+ work.