COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

This is only truish, IMO. Yes, a big chunk of the population is just gone. But I think we often forget that there is a huge chunk of the populations that resides between the antivaxxer idiocy and the “follow this stuff every day and have a relatively good understanding” people. Literally millions of people consume headlines as news, and that’s it. It’s really damaging that we are so far into the pandemic and the majority of messaging that people receive is basically in the style of clickbait. They might as well be using headlines like “VACCINES HATE THIS ONE WEIRD VIRUS TRICK!”


From a quick search it looks like we can’t really compare the lethality of the two because Delta took hold after there were large percentages of vaccinated people. In theory though that should let us more easily compare Delta to Nu.


I’d argue the messaging that has been damaging has been the get back to normal once vaxxed messaging. The message here should be here’s something to keep an eye on and take seriously, but would come across as less clickbaity and alarmist if we hadn’t been fed that we are post pandemic for the last six months


In the first world maybe, but countries like say South Africa had similar (low to no) vax rates during both Alpha and start of Delta

Fair enough. I would say that this is motivated by feeling desperate to persuade people to get vaccinated so we overpromised. This feels like “fruit of the poisonous tree” to me, where the poisonous tree is not having the courage to just mandate vaccines. People arguing that vaccine mandates are a slippery slope are ignoring that we are already accelerating down the slippery slope that comes from “we all need to bend over backward to accommodate ignorant assholes” approach.

That’s fair, but I’m pretty firm that we are on the too far the other way side. All part of the broader problem of a society poorly equipped to handle crises and two years of failed leadership at virtually all levels of US government.

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There are thousands of different types, or variants, of Covid circulating across the world. That’s to be expected because viruses mutate all the time.

But this new variant has experts particularly worried because it is very different to the original Covid, which current vaccines were designed to fight.

It has a long list of genetic changes - 50 in all. Of these, 32 are in the spike protein of the virus - the part which is the target of vaccines.

However, it is too soon to know how much of a threat B.1.1.529 poses.

That’s just a natural consequence of too much libertarianism.

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There’s not much the govt can do with message tweaking when a third of the country is brainwashed by Facebook memes and thinks Dr. Fauci is an incarnation of Satan.

Any of these vaccinated Nu-COVID folks hospitalized or dead?

Yeah I admit the response to this is going to have to be more authoritarian than I would have said earlier this year. That said, would have been nice to run an actual vaccination program rather than what we did. There’s so much more to vaccinating a population than making vaccine available. The current administration gets like a B+ for the initial relief package and fixing the rollout, and like a D- on everything else COVID.

Local government not much better but, to be fair, governors like Whitmer would have liked to do more but didnt for fear of being executed by right wing militia.

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Give them chance please. We do know, so far, that Nu won’t kill you within 6 days of testing postive on a PCR (like other Covids)

Sure. Just @ me when it happens. Thanks.

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Also remember alpha OG/alpha has already had a chance to cull from the weakest.

Obv if toddlers start croaking we are fucked.

We have dead vaxxed from Delta, so presumably I’ll be @ ing you shortly

Doomsday crowd not without its own messaging issues. People with lots of followers on twitter already posting like Nu 6x transmissable/8x more deadly than original strain, which is massively irresponsible.

And people struggle with idea that we constantly are under assault on voting rights…. Very analogous imo

Even then it will be extremely difficult to do a real comparison unless there are massive differences.

There’s the rub. MI and OH officials literally had armed MAGA chuds picketing their houses when they tried a halfassed lockdown, gl enforcing mandatory vaccines. Esp when the cops themselves are some of the biggest anti-vaxxers.

There’s only so much you can do when the country is full of dangerous morons in thrall to social media.


I’m sure you will. And then I’ll be very interested in reading about the case(s).

When it does happen, I’m sure you will know before I do.