COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

I don’t think getting physical would be the best course of action, but damn if I wouldnt want to kick him square in the dick. Personally I’d be more likely to follow him to his car, get his plate number, and doxx him or figure out a way to make his life miserable.

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There are some weird rules / policies on doing different things on same visit. Not uncommon to see multiple fees or require multiple appointments. Sons insurance won’t pay for double appointments either.

Was going to say I’m in Texas. Easy game here.

gedachten en gebeden


Apparently metformin is going to be the new “miracle cure” based on some dopes on Twitter.

Metformin toxicity is super bad

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Do they sell it at the horse store?


It’s a diabetes med, so yes.

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No wonder they say people are “healthy as a horse”. The fucking horses are hogging all the miracle cures!


Might need to find a specialty horse store. Not very widely used in horses, apparently. Not like ivermectin.

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Can’t forget all the athletes of yesteryear that were all hopped up on horse steroids!

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Shouldn’t you take bunny steroids to get hopped up?



My sister has just got her second bout of covid.

She caught it at the start of last year. She was also double vaxxed 6 months ago. Went in to get her booster a day before she tested positive.

Seems to be doing okay. But jesus.


FWIW, her immune system should get increasingly better at fending it off the more she is exposed.

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Probably. Of course it is possible that her immune system is deficient in some way that makes her more susceptible to COVID despite prior infection or vaccination.

Your guess is more likely, imo. So, let’s just hope it’s that.

How are her symptoms? Hoping for mild. I think the guidance is to wait 3 months for the booster after an infection??

In fairness, there is a miracle cure for COVID, its name is some scientific gobbledegook starting with “m”, and it is true that the mainstream medical establishment won’t cut you a prescription for it.

EDIT: More seriously, are doctors prescribing fluoxetine for COVID these days?