COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

That and apparently asking for a citation (that I subsequently read carefully) is bad faith. There are lots of studies out there of widely varying quality, some about the same sorts of things. It’s hardly unreasonable to ask for someone to post the particular study that is the basis of their claim.


Maybe if he didn’t post a bunch of dubious, unsuppported claims of fact or misrepresentations of his own articles, he wouldn’t face so much scrutiny.

If you can’t tell the difference between opinion, speculation, and factual claims, that’s not my fault.


Hoo boy that comparison, calling Churchill Piggy (!) is so, so funny. Churchill has been banned or sanctioned what, 10 times? More?

Sorry, people with a gigantic history get less respect and leeway. That’s reality and how the world works. Everyone has been nice enough to him today, and the respect has to be a two way street.

I can’t make amends for past issues JT. In a vacuum Churchill posted a comment that lacked any sort of link, proof, or clarity. There was a discussion on it and we moved on. Great! That’s a fucking Internet forum in action. I’m asking you not to come in hijacking a thread for absolutely no reason. I’ll take what you said about Church getting attacked and keep an eye on it. If he posts well and still gets shit on then that’s a different story.

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Has anyone pretended it doesn’t? If I spend the next two years in the poker thread telling people to fold Aces preflop, should I be shocked people stop taking my advice seriously?

Stop hijacking the COVID thread or suspensions are coming. All of you.


With just seven weeks to go until the Olympics, only 3.5% of Japan’s population had been fully vaccinated. While friends in the UK were merrily posting vaccine selfies on social media, here in the capital Tokyo, we were joking we might not see a needle till Christmas.

With the Olympics about to open, it seemed astonishing the Japanese government had bungled the vaccine rollout so badly.

Six months later, it couldn’t be more different.

Not only has Japan succeeded in overcoming the early chaos, it’s managed to get a higher percentage of its population vaccinated than almost anywhere else on Earth. Some 76% of Japanese are now fully immunised.

Bit like me, really…

Since March 2020 Blair Bowman has only ventured out of his Edinburgh home for walks and to collect his weekly shop.

Before the pandemic he travelled the world for corporate events, but now does all his work online - and his business is booming.

Pfizer + Flu shot are inside me. I can feel the extra protection already. I did have to pay $50 for the flu shot which seems LOLINSURANCE but whatever.


One person claims to posses the knowledge of the information being discussed and a second person asks that they share so they get an accurate representation of what fed the claim. You think we should put the burden on the later and not the former?

That’s pretty much the exact opposite of what I have seen most people expect in forty plus years of online discussion. Plus it is dangerously close to a right wing troll mantra.

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More than worth it for the 5G reception, IMO.

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Wow. Where are you again? I thought insurance companies all provided flu shots free.

My parents (71 & 65) went to the grocery store at 7am this morning. Both were likely the only masked people there. Some fuckstain intentionally bumped in to my dad, got in his face, and said “better be careful, you might get covid”. I honestly don’t know what I would have done had I been there, but it likely would have been very out of character of me. I’m fucking furious. I hate people. How pathetically unhappy with your life do you need to be to terrorize random senior citizens like that?


Indy. I have a very basic High Deductible plan though which I assume is the reason. I pay $82 a month so I can’t complain too much.

Obviously taking the counter-offer was correct.

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Sorry your parents had to deal with that. Given the scumbag bumped your Dad, could you legally respond in kind?

Personally I have had 2 Covid insane interactions that did not get physical, if pushed though (or my 70’s parents fucked with) I fear I would not be Zen-like.


Legally there is no upside to confrontation. If you punch one of these idiots you’re likely going to get in trouble unless you run away AND don’t get caught by security cams or crowd sourced cell phone recording. It sucks, but the law is going to leap to the defense of these people in a public setting unless they punch you first.

They thrive on agitation knowing that they won’t get what they deserve. Your best bet (if you feel like you must do something aggressive) is to scream at the person for harassing old people and keep making a scene until they flee or store staff shows up. But you’re kind of inconveniencing the store staff just to make a point.

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Confirmed you could claim you feared for your life and kill the guy.


That only works if you are Long Suffering Real American Wielding An AR-15 and the other party is a Dangerous Liberal Wielding Facts.