COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Good god he’s still not taking the L on this.

USA can’t measure the outbreak yet - might be 1 or 2 kids with covid, is what I’m saying

The fuck is this based on?

Im talking about a different outbreak, one that I am familiar with, and there are certainly more than two positives because they tested everyone. But parents are still upset that they shut the school and the state wont give them waivers for remote days so everybody going to be in on APril vacation or Saturdays if it is at all a snowy winter.

Standard practice in my kids school is that if there is one case in a class they do test and stay, if there is two then they go remote for a week. Seems eminently reasonable and certainly not too conservative.

IME, you’ll need way more than 2 pozzs in a class of say 30 to even get 4 total, We reckon 1 in 8 kids under 12 have caught it in the last 22 months with schools perma open and no masks since start of pandemic. YMMV. Am I’m just saying.

Imagine how bad bars and restaurants could be if you apply the same principles. Planes too.

Still waiting for a single pozz in this household - with rapid testing being carried out on a family of 6, twice weekly (at least, wednesday and sundays best) for over 6 months now.

You guys need rapid testing and in school tests - might put the parents mind at ease.

I intended to go for a tea in local cafe this morning on my way back from the bank, but not a single person was masked so I gave up.

We have rapid testing and weekly tests. We have found when there are multiple pozzes there is classroom spread

Under 10 cases spiking in many countries and uk ebb and flowing based on half term. I don’t think pre delta spread data relevant

I’m fully kids should be in school, but part of that is going remote when needed to stop outbreaks. I don’t want to follow the UK infect all under 11 strategy, I think it is too risky.

Had a toddler aged covid patient in shock today, likely volume down instead of septic. Looks like she had just stopped eating. Will probably do ok but that sucked.

Couldn’t get an IV in because they were so dehydrated. Put in an IO (think a needle that’s drilled into a bone like a piece of ikea furniture). That stopped working after a bit. Wanted to put in a central line, but we didn’t have a proper pediatric kit. Jury-rigged something from the adult world that was about the right size and got it working.

Went from not responding other than some soft cries to talking after we got some fluids in there. They had me scared for a bit. Sickest covid patient I’ve had since I had a 30 something who died. Weird because she was breathing completely fine. PICU doctor thinks the covid could be a red herring and this could be due to an enterovirus.


Austria announces full national lockdown

Austria will go into national lockdown from Monday as the country grapples with record coronavirus cases.

Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg is telling a news conference the rules will last for a maximum of 20 days.

Lockdown rules already apply for some two million unvaccinated people.


Austria to impose new full national lockdown and make vaccinations mandatory

Austria will impose a lockdown for all and make vaccinations mandatory, Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg announced this morning, making the country the first in the EU to take such stringent measures as coronavirus cases spiral.

The country plans to make Covid-19 vaccinations mandatory from 1 February next year, while the lockdown will start from Monday and will be evaluated after 10 days, Schallenberg said.

“Despite months of persuasion, we have not succeeded in convincing enough people to get vaccinated,” Schallenberg told a press conference in the western Tyrol state, where he met regional government heads. He blamed those refusing to be vaccinated for an “attack on the health system”.

The lockdown means people are no longer allowed to leave their houses with few exceptions such shopping for essentials and exercising. At the beginning of this week, Austria already began a lockdown for those not vaccinated or recently cured, becoming the first EU country to do so.

Agence France-Presse notes that infections have continued to rise. On Thursday, a new record of more than 15,000 new cases were recorded in the country of nearly nine million people.

Demand for vaccinations has increased in recent days, and 66% of the population are fully jabbed, slightly below the EU average of more than 67%.

Jesus Christ, i could never do what you do.


Wentworth Douglass over in Dover is at capacity, and it seems like most other NH hospitals are closing in. Yesterday set a record for most new hospitalizations in one day.

I had been proud of the state in our collective response to COVID - folks were being safer and we were vaccinating faster than almost any other state. But I think you’re right, it’s over. Post Thanksgiving numbers will be horrific.


Everyone now eligible for boosters after six months.


At least from the MA hospital workers I talk to (anecdotal for sure), current capacity issues arent really directly COVID driven. Its more workplace attrition (COVID driven obviously) and deferred care/other illnesses (also partly COVID driven).

So layering a COVID wave on top of this should be quite a treat. My takeaway is that tight hospital capacity is probably going to be a winter fact of life going forward for awhile even if we somehow eliminated COVID today. Its a tough situation, our COVID response failure is going to reverberate for awhile. Last winter we were under night time curfew with mask mandate everywhere in public from now through early March or so, but no appetite to repeat that despite every indication that a similar wave is coming.


Got my booster earlier this week. 7 months after 2nd shot. Went 3x Moderna, and had zero side effects after any shot.

Will be interesting when stats start to break down how many in US have received 1 shot vs 2 shots vs 3 shots.



Our booster eligibility is currently very limited.

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The place I got boosted didn’t even take my ID, so just come down to USA#1.