COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

I have been flying throughout the whole pandemic with cloths masks only (even before the vaccines). I would double mask pre-vax. I think you’ll be just fine with the KNs.

I think flying is quite safe. The one precaution I take is putting a slight airflow from the vent at my face.

I forgot my mask and had to buy one of those sideways duckbill masks at the UPS store. It seemed to let me breathe better so I wore it on my flight. Probably means it’s completely ineffective though lol.

It’s cold and flu season. I’d wear the n95.

I have asthma. I always wear a mask. My O2 levels can drop some with a mask on. Never had a medical professional tell me not to wear a mask, including a week in the hospital where I was masked up almost 24/7.

That being said there were times in my life where masking might be slightly more difficult. But I think for anyone properly treating their asthma masks should be fine in most cases. Good thing we have free healthcare!

Oh, well, there’s your problem. Doctors are getting kickbacks from Big Mask so you can’t trust them.

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Consider getting a valves mask with cloth over top?

(Note valved masks alone are not allowed on flights and have seen flight attendants call people on it)

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Will take a look. I am probably not flying any time soon.

Well it took almost two years but ‘OMG, the germ factories are coming for us’ (post double vax and boosters)

pst, rapid tests… keep 'em in school ($7 each apparently) Works for fottball games or NY New Year celebrations too

My sister teaches in NH and her district just made masks optional starting Monday. What better time than when your state is hitting all time highs to drop a mask mandate.


How we aren’t planning a long holiday break with remote schooling Thanksgiving-Xmas I have no clue.


Wife’s father and stepmother just tested positive. I think they’re the first people I’ve known directly with a confirmed positive test.

They’re Trumpy Fox News watchers, but at least not anti-vaxxers. Though neither had gotten a booster, and one had been frequently bowling with several unvaccinated dipshits.

We were supposed to go down to visit on Thursday. That’s a lot less likely now.


We went back to masks ourselves, and my wife said she was one of only maybe 5 people in the grocery store wearing a mask last weekend. Like nobody here is wearing them anymore. And nobody is talking about the cases exploding, outside of people in healthcare. The pandemic is over in NH and that’s final.


Regeneron indicated? My dad was 92 so that probably made him a priority case.

Based on my third-hand info, they are trying to get the monoclonal antibody treatment.

People are done with remote schooling, I cant even imagine what the blowback is going to be like if we are forced to return to it. Spent some time talking to a couple of parents whose schools are having at outbreak and they were MAD at going remote, told me how rare classroom transmission was AS EVERYONE KNOWS. I dont think parents like their children very much as a whole.

We might get 350 House R seats if schools ever really go back remote.


WFH is good, send the parents remote. Remote schooling, less so.

80% vax rate in the eligible (over 12;s)

I mean when you are having an outbreak with like 30 positives not really a lot of choice. Also obviously being transmitted in the classroom, so.

I thought extra time off around the holidays and remote break weeks with testing to return worked well last year, but seems like aint nobody got time for that anymore despite young kids still being essentially unvaccinated and record case numbers in some areas, so, we’ll see how that goes.

Churchill - the outbreak among children in England is further evidence that covid spreads well in schools, not that it wasn’t spreading well in schools until now.

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