COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

If this is the standard we’re all fucked.


It basically means youre a carrier I think. That it lives on your skin.

I don’t think it means you CANT get it, only that its not actively harming you


Over the weekend, nearly 100 physicians in Alaska signed onto a letter urging the state medical board to investigate doctors in the state who have promoted vaccine skepticism and pushed unproven treatments, namely the antiparasitic drug ivermectin and the antimalaria drug hydroxychloroquine.

In Washington last month, the state’s medical commission suspended a physician assistant’s license for promoting and prescribing ivermectin as a cure for COVID-19. An Oregon doctor also lost his license last month after disregarding COVID-19 mandates, spreading misinformation about masks, and overprescribed opioids. In Connecticut, a doctor had her license suspended for giving out fake vaccine and mask exemption forms. And earlier this year, a California doctor surrendered his license after claiming COVID-19 was caused by 5G.


@marksman this is 100% right. The SA in MRSA stands for staph aureus, a type of bacteria that is part of normal skin flora. MR stands for methicillin resistant, which is the bar of antibiotic resistance where we start using medicines outside of the penicillin/cephalosporin family and moving on to things like clindamycin, bactrim, or vancomycin… which all operate without a beta lactam ring found in the pen/ceph antibiotics.

IIRC hospitals used to treat this ‘colonization’, but it ended up being bunk. Not sure of the utility of that kind of testing any more.

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Yeah, and just to add, you’re colonized by a truly staggering amount (in terms of both variety and total counts) of bacteria inside and out, pretty much everywhere that’s open to the outside at all. You’re not dead from this in no small part because the large number of harmless ones at least most of the time outcompete the small number of pathogens, so they can’t grow to a large enough level to cause real harm. This is why fecal transplatation has been effective in patients with certain kinds of infections in their guts.

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Unvaccinated population is about to get crushed.

The ivermectin crowd weren’t “cherry-picking studies”, most of the papers out there support the idea that ivermectin works. Their error, as the Slate Star guy correctly points out, was exactly the opposite, i.e. not understanding that the first step in surveying the scientific literature is consigning most of it to the dumpster.

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Define “crushed”

But that’s absolutely what I’ve seen them doing. The Facebook morons have not been doing comprehensive literature reviews, they’re been citing isolated studies they found from Qanon reddits. It’s the same shit climate change denialists and other cranks always do.

It’s true there are lots of bullshit journals out there. Part of the craft of doing science is recognizing pseudoscience and weak methodology. You don’t just aggregate a bunch of studies from crap publications and take the majority opinion. All of the major public health orgs (the folks this guy says are clowns!) correctly understood that the Ivermectin stuff was bullshit all along.


CDC says yes, although the 99.9% is specifically for 65-74. Age 75+ is 96.8% so overall 65+ is in the high 90s having at least one dose.

OK? I mean I can’t speak to what you’ve seen. That’s not what, for example, is doing.

How would you describe the failure to do this? It’s not “cherry-picking”. It’s exactly the opposite. It’s tossing too many rotten cherries in with the fresh ones.

Edit: Like what the more intellectual IVM crowd, like Bret Weinstein and so on, were/are typically arguing was that meta-analyses are more reliable than single RCTs. In other words the accusation they were levelling at IVM skeptics was cherry-picking.

arguing that it’s not cherry picking to use obvious bullshit papers is a thing you can do i suppose…

also lots of ivm people absolutely cherry pick the hell out of studies and ignore the best quality evidence.

I’d say it’s being able to recognize an actual cherry from a cow turd. Again, the professional health scientists and doctors had no trouble doing filtering out the pseudoscience, while the galaxy-brain guys seem to think it’s all very murky and unclear.

I would be very, very large amounts that under 99.9% of 65-74s have had their first dose. I would give odds if I had to.


Appreciate the explanation.

Mortality is a hell of a wake up call. The problem is most of the dumb anti vaxxers are younger and don’t take death seriously.

An offshoot of the Covid Delta variant that is on the rise in England appears to be less likely to cause symptoms than the dominant form, researchers have revealed – although experts say the finding requires further scrutiny.

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If accurate, let’s hope it’s outcompetes delta prime. More contagious/significantly less virulent would go a long way to drive this to endemic status.

*slightly hopeful, but kind of expect there is a gotcha coming….


Hopefully if this is true variants like this will push coivd along to a much less deadly endemic future.

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So I’m flying across the country with the family on Saturday. Wife and I are both vaxxed and boosted, kids are both vaxxed. At my disposal I have some legit NIOSH N95s, some random-purchase KN95s, and a plethora of cloth masks. The cloth are the most comfortable, followed by the KN95s, with the N95s bringing up the rear. Given our vaccination status, is there any reason to go with the N95?