COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

once again i sneaked in to get a jab days before my eligibility came up by leaning on my underlying condition of “having been a smoker.”

effects didn’t hit until 24 hrs later, but it was less bad than jab 1, about the same as jab 2.

Hey, at least the US is finally going hard at funding shots for all the lesser countries out there.

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This guy inadvertently is admitting that the problem is really with him and others like him*. If you are still trying to appeal to people with Excel charts then you are basically admitting that you choose to live in a fantasy world.

*Obviously the problem is primarily with antivaxxers.


It’s because that chart will never appear in their social media feed.

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Even if it did, it either turns into “well it’s the vaxxed people getting everyone else sick, that’s obvious” or if those mental gymnastics don’t work, simply “it’s bullshit, they’re lying to you like they do with everything else, sheeple”. The idea that all they need is to see the facts is just silly.


Had me in the first half not gonna lie

If the unvaxxed are in the hospitals, how can they be spreading it? :brain:


A good chunk of my classes had missing students either due to covid or being connected to that covid-infected student.

Finally, the government is mandating that all students be tested of COVID19 every Monday until the end of February.

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And teachers too, I hope (bit half-arsed otherwise)

My principal states that only unvaccinated students are being tested (though the policy is supposedly all students).

So I doubt teachers are being considered.

As for being half-assed, welcome to the Czech Republic. COVID’s been handled poorly most of the pandemic. It’s why we at one point has the most COVID deaths per capita in the world. Now we’re ranked 7th.

I work for an automaker and they just announced a vax mandate for all salaried employees. While I’m really hoping that this means some of the more insufferable people around here will soon be gone, the reality is more likely that there will be a sudden influx of phony vax cards.

The company email actuall said “80% of our salaried workforce is vaccinated, so we only have to close a small gap” lololololololol… because I’m sure that remaining 20% harbors no strong opinions about the vaccine and this is similar to other employee initiatives.

And there was you thanking the lord you didn’t land that job in the UK, ‘the most infected place on the planet’ :slight_smile:

CZ seems a week behind Austria at this moment in time - restrictions for the vaxxed only this week, might change next week.

Is CZ more to the right than Austria? (I don’ follow the politics much)

Probably not. Czechia’s president is still Slavic Donald Trump though unlike Donald, Zeman is hospitalized and has been for over a month now. He’s probably barely kept alive at this point.

A center-right coalition beat ANO which is a huge positive (tells you how shitty ANO was) in the election last month. Right now the coalition is still choosing their ministers.

On Monday, the “Bavarian Plan” is being put in place. It’s still a half-measure because nobody’s enforcing any of the restrictions. Ultimately, Austria is doing what needs to be done because people are too damn stupid to look out for themselves.

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The Austrian government already announced that the lockdown will be reevaluated after 10 days and won’t last longer than 20 days. Can’t miss out on all the Christmas shopping. It’s another half-measure in a long line of directionless button-clicking.

They’ve giving the unvaxxed 10 weeks to get it or presumably be prosecuted. How easy that is to police god knows.

This isn’t a new conclusion, but I think it’s new data with regard to waning vaccine efficacy in the U.S.:

Similar curves across age groups, more evident in the Pfizer vaccine (55% of vaccinations in U.S.).

Full presentation from the CDC here. (Image is from slide 14)

From the same presentation, this is a little more troubling: There’s mixed evidence on whether vaccine efficacy is waning with regard to hospitalizations and deaths:

Specifically, the bottom part of the table summarizes the results from three different studies (different places, different times, different models), so it’s not obvious how to compare them. First study shows no evidence of a decline over time. Second one shows a decline in effectiveness against hospitalizations, borderline for death. Third one shows decline in effectiveness against hospitalization.

I had been under the impression that the decline in effectivness related to infection only, not serious outcomes. So this was bad news to me. Also an indication that we continue to shit the bed in terms of actually monitoring this stuff.

If infection protection wanes, it makes sense that at some point serious disease will follow. It doesn’t seem to be 1:1, but maybe more of a step change.

Note that there is community effect that confounds- if infective dosing matters, then more community spread means more dosing

Basically if we think of infection as a race to determine morbidity, then when the immune system wins we are asymptomatic, and if the virus wins we have serious disease (with lots of room in the middle for minor outcomes).

At then end of the day, we should all be on scheduled boosters for now.

The pool of unvaxxed reservoir is really pissing me off. It’s really gonna suck if we have to limp along like this for years until the virus kills off enough of the morons.

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Wife called her father this evening. He sounded like shit.

He’s really stubborn and never admits to being wrong about shit, but I’m guessing that he really wishes he got a booster a few weeks ago.

I think this is sort of equilibrium for this set of weapons that we have. We are in a way better place than a year ago because this can be somewhat controlled (going to wave still but less deadly peaks) with masks, boosters (frequency tbd), rapid tests before gathering and other mitigation. To get back to “normal” we are gonna need vax 2.0, especially with the moron non vax crowd contributing (to be joined
by supporting players, the non booster crowd).

I can accept this as life for awhile, only really depressing thing will be the immune evasion variant.