COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Would at least test daily to keep regular activities going and wear a good mask. Would probably skip swimming for a few days until 7 days out

My rationalization has been that the best decision I can make in terms of net lives saved is to stay vaccinated and protect myself and those around me. I think any impact our individual decisions have on getting shots to poorer countries is miniscule and is dwarfed by the impact of lobbyists and politicians. (That being said, Iā€™m not boostered yet even though Iā€™m ~7 months past my second dose. I plan to get boostered soon though.)


US has thrown out 15 million extra doses. Im not losing a lot of sleep over when I get a booster that is going to eventually be recommended to everyone and required under whatever vaccine mandates we have. Vaccine inequity obviously a real issue, but its not obvious to me at all that delaying a booster helps someone else get a shot.


If youā€™re in the US, every single location giving vaccines is throwing away doses every single day. End of argument. Get the booster.


Booster + Flu shot scheduled for 4:30 on Saturday. Going with Pfizer booster after the moderna initial shots. Figured if I get it at 4:30 I can sleep through any side effects.


Canā€™t tell you what to do, but we get these on the regular and havenā€™t really changed anything. Test if itā€™ll make you feel better, but in the absence of symptoms itā€™s business as usual for us.


The exposure in my kidsā€™ daycare last week has turned into 5 (and counting) positive cases as of today. We tested them yesterday with the at home test, both negative, and then sent them to their grandparents for the week, because we arenā€™t in a position to WFH with two needy preschoolers. Both grandparents are vaxxed and boosted, but now Iā€™m wondering if we tested them too early. The exposure was Wednesday of last week, so Monday would seem like enough time, but Iā€™m certainly worried about having sent potentially pre-testable covid cases to my folks.

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I think itā€™s a great question for you to have asked. I would also remark that it is not fair of our failed leaders to put us in these positions where we are trying to shoulder the responsibility at the individual level to decide if it is okay to get a vaccine or not. So donā€™t feel bad about it. Get your vaccine and tell the cowards running the country to fuck themselves sideways with a rusty fork. Itā€™s not supposed to be up to us to figure this out.

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No worries. Your wanting to do the globally right thing is admirable. If I thought I had any impact on equitable distribution I might have waited. But lolfirstworld caring.

Flu and booster in the arms.

Depending on which arm is sore, Iā€™ll know which shot is fucking me up.

What a fun experiment!


I had both at the same time. Many people do. Youā€™ll be fine.

Meanwhile, avoid teen discos (as Iā€™m sure most of us do)

Delta + IMO

The Public Health Agency (PHA) has linked more than 170 positive Covid-19 cases to the event at The Elk.

Its head of health protection, Dr Gerry Waldron, described the outbreak as ā€œprobably one of the biggest, if not the biggest that weā€™ve dealt withā€.

He added: "Thereā€™s absolutely no doubt itā€™s a single event.

ā€œItā€™s what we call, epidemiologically speaking, a ā€˜point sourceā€™ linked with this teenage disco.ā€

In a statement, it said that ā€œjust over 170 positive cases have been identified among those who attended, and as a result over 800 individuals have been identified as close contacts and will be required to self-isolate and get a PCR test, depending on their vaccination statusā€.

Generous of themā€¦

Most of the countries included are in Africa or Asia. However, nations like Brazil, China, Russia, Argentina and Thailand, which have experienced major outbreaks, are not part of the deal.

Some experts say this is not enough to address inequalities in access to Covid-19 treatments and vaccines.

Pfizer and other pharmaceutical companies have also pushed back against calls to lift patents on their Covid jabs.

In October, another drugmaker, Merck, announced a similar deal with the Medicines Patent Pool to allow manufacturers to produce its own Covid-19 pill, molnupiravir.

Are you required to present a vaccine card to get the booster? I misplaced my card. Looking frantically. Hoping I can just go in to pharmacy but ugh.

Nah. I accidentally left my card at home and they just made me up a new card with just the booster information on it. I offered to run home to get it but the CVS pharmacist said it wasnā€™t a big deal. PITA now that I have to carry around two cards I guess for proof of full vaccination if boosters become part of the equation for that proof.

Excellent! Thanks for the 411. Iā€™m gonna have like 39 cards at the end of this. LOL.

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Fwiw I showed the pharmacist a photo of mine, she told me to come back sometime w the physical copy so that they could add booster shot as a line item.

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