COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Just copy what’s on the second card on to the 3rd line of the first card.

The card is merely a record of what was actually done. If anyone checks, then they will discover that you had exactly the shots that your card says you had.

You’re the lawbro, though. If you think this method is breaking a law, I’m interested in which one it is.

I don’t think it’s breaking the law but at the same time I don’t want to do anything that might cause someone checking my card down the line to think I forged the card or something that would cause me to either have to lie about the card or explain a long convoluted story about how the card came to be. I’d rather just carry both cards.

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Fwiw I did that with my second shot and they told me to write it onto the first card (which I did). No one is going to do a handwriting check; plenty of people got them done at different locations anyways

I can’t even imagine what you think that “anything” might be. I can’t think of anything plausible or even implausible for that matter.

On the other hand, carrying both cards is fine too. Whatever floats your boat.

That’s what I did as well. I got mine at CVS and was able to look up the lot number online.

The Summary

Ivermectin doesn’t reduce mortality in COVID a significant amount (let’s say d > 0.3) in the absence of comorbid parasites: 85-90% confidence

Parasitic worms are a significant confounder in some ivermectin studies, such that they made them get a positive result even when honest and methodologically sound: 50% confidence

Fraud and data processing errors are of similar magnitude to p-hacking and methodological problems in explaining bad studies (95% confidence interval for fraud: between >1% and 5% as important as methodological problems; 95% confidence interval for data processing errors: between 5% and 100% as important)

Probably “Trust Science” is not the right way to reach proponents of pseudoscientific medicine: ???% confidence

Detailed look into all the Ivermectin studies by the star slate codex guy.

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So a month fucking later…

Brother finally got himself tested recently…got his 10 year old son tested…shockingly…it was fucking COVID. Brother says he thinks he is finally on the downswing of COVID…yeah a fucking month later…

Oh and his 3 year old daughter also caught COVID. Apparently she has been at 70% recently.

Brother wanted to come visit for Thanksgiving. Mom gave him a sorry, but get fucking vaxxed.


And the Czech Republic hits an all-time high with 22,479 new cases on Wednesday. The old record was 17,778 cases set on January 6th this year.

42.94% of the tests taken yesterday came back positive. That’s the 7th highest number of the pandemic. The highest was 50.49% positive tests on December 31st, 2020. For the record, January 6th ranked 5th with 47.79%.

84 people died of covid on Monday here which is about the same as the months of July, August, and September combined.

The Czech Republic has reported 813 cases per 100,000 people over the last 7 days. The United States sits at a comfortable 183 cases according to Reuters.


That sounds horrific, hang in Bob.

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At the bottom of

is an interactive chart.

Record infection rates in some central and Eastern European countries.

Despite Czechia’s record high Austria, Croatia, Slovakia and Slovenia all have higher per capita infections over the past fortnight; Belgium, Lithuania and Montenegro about the same.

We’re going to have to get used to the pattern of repeating waves for a long time.

Gotta make it through a month of this COVID free in order to see my family for Christmas.

Either that or get COVID ASAP or get over it

With what you do for a living, combined with those kind of numbers, it seems you almost have to be resigned to catching it. The alternative is a sort of constant state of panic.

How are there so many people left to infect in all these countries? (I assume the wave will come to the US soon too). Or is reinfection a pretty standard thing now?

UK health officials are warning of a “hidden pandemic” of antibiotic-resistant infections if people fail to act responsibly after Covid.

Cold symptoms will be more common this winter, with social mixing - but taking antibiotics is not the answer.

This could encourage harmful bacteria to evade treatment and put everyone’s health at risk, the UK Health Security Agency says.

One in five people with an infection in 2020 had an antibiotic-resistant one.

And if the bacteria causing their infection no longer responds to treatment with these common medicines, this can cause serious complications and lead to hospital admission.

Is your country doing boosters? If so, just get one and you’re restored to that 90+ percent protection against infection in the near term.

Already got my booster. Moderna 3 weeks ago

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Then I wouldn’t lose sleep over it.

Came in here to post this. Just great.

Looks like the Ministry of Health is proposing a “Bavarian Model” for COVID safety meaning that tests will no longer be accepted as a way to obtain services or go to a restaurant/bar. Only way to get admission is to prove vaccination or that you’ve overcome infection within the last 180 days.

Personally, I expect the proposal to be rejected because something similar was already rejected and restaurants have been treating the current “check for infectivity” thing as a fucking joke since it was implemented because there’s no goddamn enforcement of the regulations.