COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron


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My conclusion from that chart is that Americans and Canadians are different species.


Also, that Canadians administered the vaccine differently.


I got mine in my community hockey arena. For maximum Canadiana I picked up a cup of Tim Hortons on the way home too.


Boosted, plus flu shot. All they had was Pfizer so going for the quad combo bonus (with gummies).


Canada (and others) relied on the UK intial vaccine trials that tested different gaps between doses, I believe

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I don’t have the NYT subscription currently. Is effectiveness based on antibodies or based on breakthrough infections. -is there breakthrough rates by vaccine?

Did not read, but did the study account for changing behavior over time?

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Stopped reading at „chiropractor“.


Surely the NYT wouldn’t be that dumb.

FOX pushing chiropractic bullshit? What a shock.

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Can you be explicit by what you mean by this? Because I don’t see what they did differently.

Canada had a brief period where they put out initial doses and waited when they were short on supply. They currently recommend a normal interval between doses.

There’s lots of things that could cause the differences in those graphs, and you can’t say that it’s because of a delayed vaccination program.

Would be interested in some actual data on that too. Going to be super hard to control as well as the initial rct.

Edit: also the fact that they’re are currently using the standard dosing schedule means they don’t think it’s some great benefit

It’s our superior genes.



I wonder if… Canada must have more?

The scientists were closely monitoring hospital staff during the first wave of the pandemic - including by taking regular blood samples.

Despite being in a high-risk environment, not everyone in the study came down with Covid. The results, published in the journal Nature, showed some people just managed to avoid the virus.

But around one-in-10 had signs of being exposed, but never had symptoms, never tested positive and never developed Covid-fighting antibodies in their blood.

Part of their immune system was able to get on top of the virus before it managed to take hold - what’s known as an “abortive infection”.

Heh hokie made the joke I was going to do.

I do wonder if it’s because of more restrictions in Canada and generally more compliance with preventative measure. If there’s less community spread, there’s less opportunity for your vaccine to fail

Oh no. Not abortion. I think that means they eat fetuses.


Weird that description is me.

I have achieved Nirvana
