COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Roche launches new quantitative antibody test to measure SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, to support the evaluation of vaccines

  • The new Elecsys Anti-SARS-CoV-2 S test can quantitatively measure the level of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in patients who have been exposed to the virus.

What am I missing? Numbers would make more sense if they werent detecting antibodies, but my understanding was these tests detected antibodies, is this a newer test?

The COVID-19 antibody test measures SARS-CoV-2 N antibodies (nucleocapsid antibodies, including IgG antibodies). These antibodies will not be made in response to any vaccines currently in use. A positive result indicates exposure to the virus that causes COVID-19.

Rightā€¦ So it measures antibodies to check for previous infectionā€¦. Which is exactly what I saidā€¦. Although apparently you do not understand this either.

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My confusion is just from studies that suggest that meaningful portions of the population, and particularly perhaps among kids, dont necessarily seroconvert and studies that antibodies fade over time with some question over what that means for overall immunity. So I would think that a test might have high specificity/sensitivity for antibodies, but still would not necessarily be super accurate for detecting if someone had previously had COVID. Maybe we are just describing different things.

Right, you have hit it on the head. Just because it has a 99.5 percent sensitivity does not mean that it captures 99.5 percent of previous cases. They are two completely different things.

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This state of Saxony has the highest seven-day infection rate in Germany at 459 cases per 100,000 people. The national rate is 232. It also has the lowest take-up of vaccine: 57% of the population here have been vaccinated.

Case numbers have soared and Germany on Wednesday registered its highest rate of infection since the pandemic began, with almost 40,000 cases in a day.

Germany at 69% vax rate

But Saxony at 57% is a huge problem.

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Remind me. Is that October step change when Moderna folks became eligible?

Yeah no chance 69 percent stops the waves, we have to be targeting like 90 percent of the world population.

From 22 - talk about some dystopian shit:

I know and deal with several people every day that are rabidly anti-vax, including the guy who had the office two doors down from me who has been in the ICU for a month and a half now whose family is asking for PTO donations. I gave a week cause I donā€™t want him to die even though I think heā€™s an idiot.

Not much shocks me these days. But companies requiring/allowing PTO donations for someone in the ICU is so beyond the pale.

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Seems like there is a massive difference between those two things.

They shouldnā€™t allow it because they could take care of the employee. Allowing it just condones the practice - which is some Martin Shkreli-level evil.

They should all have long term disability coverage or something - and anti-vaxxers should pay a higher premium.

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Are you saying that they were only allowing it in this specific instance. In that case, I see your point.

On the other hand if PTO donations are just generally allowed for any reason, I think Iā€™d prefer that over not being able to do that.

Yes, lots of places allow for PTO donations. I have seen them used for cancer treatments, recovery from injuries and other cases where someone is looking at a long term absence from work for medical reasons.

From Chiefsplanet. Just fuck this whole system. I get PTO for little illnesses - but long term/serious should be covered by something else.

I guess it could work if the person pays you back the following year. But if youā€™re taking a ton of donations from a lot of people that could be hard to do. Seems like a good time to just quit once you get back on your feet.

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My mind was going in a different direction.

I was thinking that Iā€™d create a secondary PTO market. You want some extra PTO, give me some bitcoin and Iā€™ll ā€œdonateā€ you some PTO.

I guess this is only really attractive in states/situations where companies are not legally obligated to pay out unused PTO. In that case, creating such a market would have some potential benefits.

Yeah that stuff is all whatever.

Itā€™s the system where if anyone gets sick for months they have to come begging everyone else to donate PTO that is totally fucked.

That does seem fucked. Iā€™ve never seen it firsthand, though. Iā€™m not even sure how Iā€™d react to that.

Horrible examples of PTO donations are a recurring theme on r/ABoringDystopia.

I assume this is complete horseshit and foxnews is just going all in on promoting any ā€œalternativeā€ treatment related to covid.

ā€œItā€™s so amazing and weā€™ve heard from a lot of other chiropractors in the community that theyā€™ve been having this response, you know, people getting their taste and their smell back after an adjustment and we learned in school you know that the cranial nerves, the nervous system controls everything,ā€ she told the station. ā€œWith an atlas adjustment with the adjusting the first bone in the neck we can see amazing things, vision come back, hearing come back, but I never thought in a million years that I would be seeing so many patients get their taste and smell back.ā€

ā€œBasically, you have twelve sets of cranial nerves that exit the brainstem, and they supply the head, the face, the shoulders,ā€ she added.

The adjustment involved a device called an arthostim that sends a tiny force to the first bone in the neck, which impacts the brainstem, cranial nerves, and taste and smell centers of the brain, Price said. The treatments are not guaranteed to work.

No thanks!