COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Yeah, Binax is: Open card, break open solution container. Use solution container to drip exactly 6 drops (no more no less) on the top of two holes in the card. stick q-tip up both nostrils. Place q-tip in lower hole up to top hole. Rotate Q-tip in both holes 3 times (no more no less). Close card, wait 15 minutes. So many places to fuck up along the way.

From the page I linked…

Most common COVID-19 symptoms if you’re fully vaccinated

Although the vaccines are doing a great job at reducing severe illness, hospitalisations and deaths, you can still catch and pass on the virus even if you’ve been vaccinated.

Reassuringly, even if you do catch COVID, our data shows that people who are double vaccinated are less ill and get better quicker than those who haven’t yet had the vaccine. A double dose of the vaccine also makes you much less likely to get Long COVID.

Currently, the most common COVID-19 symptoms in people who have been fully vaccinated ( as of the 21/09/21) are:

Most common COVID-19 symptoms if you’re unvaccinated

If you haven’t yet had your COVID jab, then the most common symptoms (as of the 21/09/21) are:

Loss of smell (anosmia) comes further down the list for unvaccinated people, but it’s still an important predictor of having COVID-19 rather than a regular cold.

Browse our Symptom Series to find out more about what all these symptoms feel like in COVID-19 and what to look out for.

When should I get a COVID test?

If you feel newly unwell, especially if you’re suffering from any of the common COVID symptoms, you should stay home and get a COVID test, even if you’ve been vaccinated. This is particularly important if you notice any changes to your sense of taste or smell.

A positive result from a lateral flow test is highly likely to be true. However, a negative result from a lateral flow test is not reliable enough to be sure you’re definitely not infected, so if your symptoms persist it’s best to get a PCR test to be sure.

If you’re a ZOE COVID Study contributor and report any of the 20+ symptoms consistent with COVID-19, you’ll be offered a test through the app.

At the moment, you can only get an NHS PCR test if you have any of the ‘classic three’ symptoms of cough, fever and loss of smell (anosmia).

We’re calling on the UK Government to expand this list now that the most common symptoms have changed, particularly for those who are vaccinated.

What should I do if I think I have COVID?

COVID-19 is still spreading.

The only way we can bring the pandemic to an end is through vaccination and stopping the virus from spreading between people.

Graphic (with source in the bottom right of graphic) from an Article by Tim Spector of Zoe App in inews


Even if your source wasn’t a crowd-sourced study and was gold standard, you’re still falling for a logical fallacy in the way you are trying to use it. Your own “study” links 21 “common” covid-19 symptoms:

You stated “If you don’t have a runny nose or are sneezing, probably not covid.”

That is the equivalent of picking any of the symptoms on the list and saying “well if you don’t have X & Y, probably not covid.” It’s just an incorrect interpretation of the results of your own source.

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You can purchase it online, it’s just expensive. Guess it’s drops and twirling for me.

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Binax is a little confusing the first time you use it, then is pretty easy IMHO. Im also assuming if I do 7 drops by accident or rotate 4 times that it isnt going to make a difference, but perhaps an erroneous assumption

Wonder how many people pee on the Binax tests and then think they are negative.

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The rotations probably don’t matter but I do wonder about the drops. And I think it’s easy for people like us who are educated, but I worry more about it being the only real test for mass public use right now that is affordable. The directions alone are daunting. I did it the first time by watching a youtube video, but the average person probably doesn’t think to do that.

On average ;) The other 16 are, largely, irrelevant IMO

In my personal experience, unvaxxed kids (under 12yrs) are only reporting a headache these days prior / whilst testing positive (no source other than 20 or so kids our family knows)

Why are these assholes turning to science right at the end?

You cannot use this data the way you are trying to. Trying to change the words of your post doesn’t matter. You can’t use the lack of a symptom in your crowd-sourced study being present to opine that the person probably doesn’t have covid.

Edit: I mean you can, but then you’d be wrong, and it would be appropriate for CN to call you out for being wrong.

Same thing happened to me with the flu. A while ago I pretty much disregarded it but then one year I got the flu between New Years and Christmas and it was really bad. I knew I did not want to go through that again.

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Completely agree, had the same experience, opened everything went WTF and went on youtube. Would love if it was simpler, but if anyone here hasnt used it I would just say that once you grind through the first time it isnt THAT complicated.

This thread makes me wish I had Covid.


He should get an antibody test, then he’d know whether he had covid

Could always get it twice though, so I hear

Everything Ive researched about those tests say they are pretty unreliable, particularly for previous COVID infection.


IMO More likely to have sneezes or runny nose and fade a 60% + 66% chance than an inaccurate immunity test but I get what you’re stating

We use the Roche Anti-SARS-CoV-2 S test

Studies by the manufacturer have found that this test has a 98.8% sensitivity and a 99.98% specificity.

This means that:

  • The test might miss someone who has previously had the virus in approximately 1 out of 100 people (a false negative result).

  • The test might incorrectly be positive in 1 in 5000 people who have not had a vaccine or the COVID-19 virus (a false positive result).

I’m not basing any life actions off the immunity test - definately not with that current immunity stat!

LFT tests are free in my country and we burn through 14 of those a week. The immunity test cost the same as 4 LFT’s in the US - not a massive investment if I was duped

Yeah, not really harmful if you arent taking any action because of it anyways, just wouldnt use it to verify natural immunity or rule in/out Long Covid or anything like that.

Would also basically take a COVID test if I had any symptoms right now, especially if LFT are freely available like they should be, so didnt really read the whole symptoms conversation.

I dont know how the test maker can get to those numbers given the ongoing studies about seroconversion and how long antibodies last, but maybe Im missing something.

Strange… wonder which version is later?

Aha, probably gonna trust those PHE verified numbers more than the self tested Boeing style Roche numbers

Either way, happy with the 1 in 100 or 1 in 200 being accurate enough for my purposes

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Because those 98/99 percent numbers are for sensitivity to detecting the antibodies. They are not for sensitivity to telling if a person has had covid based upon how long those antibodies last. That is what Churchill and Fidget apparently are not getting.

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Pst: The test doesn’t measure past infection via same antibodies - that’s what Jman isn’t getting