COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Once again, you guys basically agree…


From a buddy of mine this morning.

Yeah, thanks for the correction. Churchill did give advice and it was to get a test.

Linking to a crowd-sourced symptom tracker in response to a question about whether something is a cold versus covid was dumb at best, and dangerous at worst. Being called out for that is absolutely appropriate.

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There you go. You and Ikes making this place suck. I’m out. Driven off. Might come back some day. Might not. People either know where to find me or can probably figure it out.

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Is what he did better or worse than providing anecdotes about friends and family members and their symptoms? Because those kinds of responses were exactly what I was looking for, and I’m currently waiting on the results of a test because of those very responses, including churchill’s. Thanks everyone.

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Please don’t, micro. May be worth taking a break for a few days, but hopefully you stick around.


This is a medical conclusion, it’s either accurate or not and warrants scrutiny. Whether you want to call it “medical advice” is splitting hairs.

Can you provide a source for this image? I don’t see it on the page you linked.

Saying it’s probably not Covid if you don’t have a runny nose is flat wrong. You cannot use the data he’s presenting this way. What the fuck would I know anyways?

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Did some other user opine about what you probably had or didn’t have based upon those symptoms of their family members? If so, I missed it. All CN did was point out the fallacy there. The history of Churchill’s posts matters there too. CN’s response was reasonable and appropriate. MB’s response to CN calling him a “thread policer” was not.

These are the responses I got. The basic response everyone gave seems to boil down to “probably not COVID but you should get tested anyways.” Why did only the last response start a shitstorm? He even provided a list of commonly reported symptoms (which matched up with mine!).

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There is a subtle difference in the last post which attempts to diagnose you based on a lack of a symptom, after posting a questionable crowd-sourced study that doesn’t stand for the proposition that the poster was using it for. In any event, it’s not like CN called for Churchill to eat a ban, he just corrected his misstatement. So yeah, I don’t really know why CN’s response caused a shitstorm. Although, I don’t agree with the definition of “shitstorm” here either.

Edit: To put a finer point on it, saying “It’s probably not Covid” without qualifying further is correct. There are more things out there there are “not covid” then there are that are covid. You therefore probably do not have covid, but should test anyway, for all the reasons discussed upthread. Saying “it’s probably not covid because [insert medical or logical fallacy]” is not correct, and I see nothing wrong with another user pointing out why that is not correct, especially given the history here.

I don’t see a difference.

Anyways, results came back. Thanks everyone. I’ll let you all get back to whatever it is this thread is for these days.


Wow, you’ve got a test with lights and stuff? Which brand is that? The binax test is like a 1970’s pregnancy test and is a pain in the ass.


This thread.


“Negative” sounds bad. You should eat some horse paste before its too late.


It’s this:

We got one each from the state of Virginia a few months ago, after traveling abroad and returning. They were free so we figured why not, and have been saving them for an occasion like this–yet it actually took convincing to get me to use it, so I do appreciate the responses. I’ve been near some people lately so it gives me some peace of mind to see a negative.

Also, I had a weird thought when deciding whether to take the test, almost like a sense of impending embarrassment at the thought of having to tell people who have been around me that I tested positive, feeling like that would make me a pariah or something. Seems like this is the exact opposite emotion that one should have when deciding whether to take a test, knowing that a positive could mean you’ve exposed others recently.

Ah. Doesn’t look like you can purchase it online. The binax ones are complicated enough that I worry they are easy to fuck up. Not sure if fucking it up would result in a false positive or a false negative though.
Edit: I see the binax tests are now $14 for two at Annoyed that I paid $50 for four at two days ago.

This one was relatively simple, I thought. Insert batteries, swab nose, put swab in vial, press vial into test, wait.