COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Very encouraging.

The first meal post colonoscopy is quite wonderful, though.


Yeah, this is what I was getting at. There is a danger to overtesting with these invasive tests. You have to do a risk/benefit analysis each time and itā€™s independent of the cost.

Yeah, I wasnā€™t referring to the colonoscopy as much as I was the cardiovascular testing. I think a colonoscopy is indicated for pretty much everyone over the age of 50 but younger then the age of 70.

This was pretty funny. Basically they claimed the hospital was doing way more awesomo than other hospitals thanks to their MATH+ protocol:

The data from Sentara Norfolk General Hospital were presented in Table 2, which lists in-hospital or 28-day mortality rates at the 2 MATH+ centers as compared to 10 published single-center and multicenter reports. The mortality rate among 191 patients at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital as of July 20, 2020 was reported as 6.1%, as compared to mortality rates reported in the literature ranging from 15.6% to 32%. The authors state that these data ā€œprovide supportive clinical evidence for the physiologic rationale and efficacy of the MATH+ treatment protocol.

Only, uhh. The ā€œweā€ here is the hospital in question:

We have conducted a careful review of our data for patients with COVID-19 from March 22, 2020 to July 20, 2020, which shows that among the 191 patients referenced in Table 2 that the mortality rate was 10.5%, rather than 6.1%. In addition, of those 191 patients, only 73 patients (38.2%) received at least 1 of the 4 MATH+ therapies, and their mortality rate was 24.7%. Only 25 of 191 patients (13.1%) received all 4 MATH+ therapies, and their mortality rate was 28%

Probably the increased mortality from people given these treatments is just a selection bias, but itā€™s still pretty funny.

Probably not coincidentally, one of them has now filed suit against the hospital in question for being mean about their revolutionary proven treatments.

Iā€™ve got what feels like a minor head cold with the following symptoms. Is it likely enough to be COVID that I should burn an at-home test to find out?

It started with a sore throat Monday, which got worse yesterday. Yesterday afternoon I started to feel congested. This morning the sore throat is better but the congestion is worseā€“canā€™t breathe through my nose. Mild headache throughout. Only loss of smell is now that I canā€™t breathe through my nose.

An internet search is pretty inconclusive; these are common enough symptoms with a variety of illnesses that I canā€™t get a good sense for probability covid vs probability not covid.

I will answer your question in a bit. Right now I have to rush down to the Holiday Inn Express lobby to get my free croissants.

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Not an expert, but pretty sure thatā€™s just a common cold that is going around.

If itā€™s not, basically everyone I know, vaccinated or unvaccinated, has had covid at some point in the past two weeks.

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The age at which theyā€™re now recommending screening has been lowered to 45. Or so I am told!

The actual rates would lead me to believe me that death rates are much higher in treatment group vs others receiving ā€œstandardā€ care.

but muh study ended on this day. Muh drug canā€™t be associated if the patient dies the next day

That was the wifeā€™s symptoms. Negative home test. Feeing much better by day 4.

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Iā€™ve been burning at home tests left and right based on colds going through my household like these because I donā€™t want to possibly expose my coworkers or family. I would do it, itā€™ll give you peace of mind if nothing else that youā€™re not going to expose other people. The CVS at home tests now which youā€™d an order online are $25 for a two pack (Binax), so itā€™s not horrifically expensive.

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Yeah, Iā€™d be going through an at-home test if I had those symptoms. Walmart has them even cheaper when theyā€™re in stock ($14 for 2), and thatā€™s exactly why I bought a few packs - to quickly and cheaply test when I thought there was at least a small chance of a positive.

We should normalize testing like crazy, rather than saving them for a special occasion.


Iā€™ve got what feels like a minor head cold with the following symptoms. Is it likely enough to be COVID that I should burn an at-home test to find out?

It started with a sore throat Monday, which got worse yesterday. Yesterday afternoon I started to feel congested. This morning the sore throat is better but the congestion is worseā€“canā€™t breathe through my nose. Mild headache throughout. Only loss of smell is now that I canā€™t breathe through my nose.

An internet search is pretty inconclusive; these are common enough symptoms with a variety of illnesses that I canā€™t get a good sense for probability covid vs probability not covid.

If you have a Binax or similar on hand Iā€™d rapid test. Had these symptoms a few weeks back, felt better testing for peace of mind.

Not an expert, but pretty sure thatā€™s just a common cold that is going around.

If itā€™s not, basically everyone I know, vaccinated or unvaccinated, has had covid at some point in the past two weeks.

If you search COVID twitter, you will find practicing doctors claiming there is a variant going around that tests cant detect. More likely, yeah, just seems like lots of respiratory virus around right now. Back to the usual kids taking viruses home from school, just with the added fun of sick days and rapid tests.

A huge failure of the Biden administration not to have worked to get these freely or very cheaply available on demand as many countries have done. They dont have to work perfectly or have 100% buy-in to materially cut down on transmission rates.


I didnā€™t want to fly on Monday if the wife was poz. Also she is hosting a Veterans Day event (98 year old vet speaking!). So no way we want to expose that crowd. Everyone will be masked but not taking the chance of giving it to someone Uber vulnerable.

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According to 4m usersā€¦


If you havenā€™t got the runny nose or sneezes, probably not covid but always worth getting a test done

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This is bad medical advice and not an appropriate use of the evidence cited.

The simple fact is the only way to really tell a difference between Covid and a cold is a test.

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There was no advice there. Someone asked about symptoms and he posted something about symptoms. How about you just let this go and stop policing the thread and it might just be possible for people to coexist with you?


If it wasnā€™t obvious to you, Iā€™m not giving medical advice, I am presenting the up to date symptoms of huge numbers of peoples main symptoms who were positive from covid, caveated by stating ā€˜get a testā€™. This isnā€™t a medical forum, to the best of my knowledge and I never read anything ITT I would consider to be ā€˜medical adviceā€™, no matter who posts it.

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