COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

A few people I know.

I’ve now met a person who got COVID then got fully vaxxed then got COVID again. She was symptomatic both times.

I know an elderly couple, both retired doctors. She got vaxxed, he didn’t. They both pozzed and he’s been in the ICU for a week, so I am not particularly hopeful.

I know a vaxxed couple. They gave their high school age daughter the option on whether or not to get vaccinated and she initially chose no. The guy’s family is very pro-vaxx and wouldn’t let her come for the holidays unvaxxed, so the girl decided to get vaxxed so she can spend Christmas with her family. Her mother feels she was bullied. (I didn’t say that I was fine with the bullying.) Now, the mother is perturbed because her in-laws are saying she can’t bring her unvaccinated two-year-old for Christmas.

What do we make of Waterford Ireland having 99.5% of adults vaccinated and a 1,294/100,000 COVID incidence rate? Is there some data issue or something unique here, or is this a big red flag for using vaccines to end efficient transmission? Severity definitly reduced at least.

I read that so y’all dont have to

Shes found part of the patent which basically says.

The patented process uses a probe and marker. There are lots of different kind of probe and marker techniques, we are trying to patent all of them in the context of this vaccine.

A few of the probe and marker techniques that could be used, includes, but is not exhaustive.

A b c… lucuferese… … e… f

I…e. it’s just that this could be used in the making of the vaccine. No indication it actually was or is.

Citing your data source here would be helpful.

Looks like COVID-19: Ireland's Co Waterford has one of the highest vaccination rates in the world - so why are cases surging? | World News | Sky News

A bunch of articles like that referenced on twitter. Part of the reason I asked is Im not familiar with the Ireland COVID data sources. The cases data looks like it sort of checks out, at least directionally, but I cant find local level vaccination data, just the press reports referencing HSE or something like that as a data source.

idk it doesn’t look good based on on fredd’s link but it’s really hard to say with what seems to be very incomplete information.

Case and vaccination data are found at this website, but I havent been able to find county level vaccination data. Case data seems like it checks out.

idk hopefully third doses help.

Waning with a little Delta Plus (IMO). UK’s version of HSE’s stats (ONS) are higher than the governments published rates and Zoe app, which has daily population testing from both PCR and lateral flow reporting is twice that of the g’berment - UK government still only calling a case a case if you show Alpha symptoms with PCR which most delta’s don’t - and most the population self-testing with lateral flow these days.

These are just the PCR tests, ordered by the ‘docs’ on the old symptoms

Theres 100,000 people in that county.

If you’re looking for weird anomalies in the entire world, you’re going to find events that look weird but are just the tail end of a normal distribution curve.


Also there’s this:

Professor Pete Lunn is the head of the BRU and says its latest surveys, conducted on a sample of 1,000 people, illustrate a change in the public’s willingness to take risks.

“As restrictions have eased”, he says, "there’s been a gradual increase in social activity, coupled with a decrease in people taking day-to-day mitigation behaviours, like keeping two metres from each other and wearing masks.

I dont think it was meant as a shot at Waterford, but it does sort of speak to what sort of ongoing mitigation we will need even as vaccines are fully rolled out (at least when rolled out for two shots) and maybe “off ramps” shouldnt be a media topic of discussion at present time.


Preaching to the choir. Get a booster. Believe the stats of a small, well tested population reporting both PCR and lateral flow and mask up cause this shit aint over yet - whatever vax may be in you (not attempting to scaremonger, stay safe)

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If the social distancing restrictions are being relaxed, it makes sense that we’d see a spike, as seems to be happening across Ireland.

What is the point of this comment?

If vaccines are less effective at mitigating spread than distancing and mask rules and compliance. That speaks “what makes sense” or what you’d expect. Rugby is probably right though.

pretty sure Texas had a big spike when they relaxed earlier restrictions churchill.

Not sure what you mean here.

Okay? That seems orthogonal to the discussion.

Two things have changed. People got vaxxed and social distancing decreased. Do you expect cases to spike or not? Depends on which measures are better at containing cases.

But again, Rugby is probably right.

Tough to predict, I’d say. You have two variables changing here.