COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

What an amazing turn of phrase.

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Is it too early for a recall?

How does NYC keep electing lunatics

It’s a dead-end job. They’re not sending their best.

Would have been better off with Yang.

A little OT for this thread, but relevant to this particular topic…

Oh good, a cop AND a crypto bro.

The Post is playing up something beyond what wa said??

The only two things I can find are

—no special exception for Kyrie

__wants to revisit school mask mandate after Jan 1 because vaccine available for school kids.

Times hasn’t weighed in yet

*I am no NY media expert. Just some quick Twitter searches.

Part cop, part crypto, all bro. Cryptocopbro, coming to theaters this summer.


I have an acquaintance (vaxxed anti-vaxxer). Says he was talked into it by his daughter, because she would not let him see the grandkids IIRC.
In the end it almost always comes down to men not being able to cope with women (or people of color) being in positions of power.

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“I’m not against the vaccine just vaccine mandates.”

Big bird gets a shot



Big Bird lacks the capacity to consent to the shot. He’s an animal!


Came across a guy on tiktok who was hardcore pushing anti vax but then he decided to actually do his own research and bought a bunch of books on immunology and virology. Now he is pushing the vaccine.


The first and last person to really do his own research.

Hasn’t he watched a bunch of 90 min videos on YouTube? That’s where you get The Real Truth.

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Welcome BACK to the Measles era.

I didnt know “withdrawing from OSHA” was a valid thing?

Gov. DeSantis, Speakers Sprowls and President Simpson are revealing the Legislature’s slate of bills for the vaccine mandate Special Session.

  • SB 2B/HB 1B: Reject COVID-19 vaccine mandates
  • SB 4B/HB 3B: Public records exemption related to employee termination for vaccine
  • SB 6B/HB 5B: Begin withdrawing from OSHA
  • SB 8B/HB 7B: Remove authority of state health officers to order vaccinations

It turns out withdrawing is a valid thing. However, a state must create a new agency and standards at least as effective as OSHA and the state’s plans must be approved by the DoL.

Moderna boosted at 6 months on the nose. I can already feel the atheism kicking in.

Feeling zero side effects so far.


Cases in Vermont are absolutely soaring right now.

After having the lowest case rates for much of the pandemic, we’re now in the top 10 states in active cases per capita.

But on a positive note, we are in the bottom 10 states for per capita hospitalizations.

I mean, I guess having your outbreaks after widespread vaccination is the best time to have it. A quick Google search shows 70% fully vaccinated, that’ll keep the severe outcomes down even if infections run high.

Crazy Newsmax lady has a substack. And it’s…well…crazy.