COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

What do you call the person who graduates last in med school?



“You don’t know my medical history” is right up there with “we don’t know what’s in it” on the idiot meter. 200 million people are vaxxed and not one has died from it. Lol anti-vax dipshits, completely out of patience for this fucking idiocy.

Jesus fucking Christ


I see. So this non-profit, professional organization consisting of individuals who have devoted their lives to taking care of pregnant women just decided to knowingly give advice they thought to be suboptimal or even harmful to a certain subset of women.

Yeah, I’m not buying that. Sounds a bit tinfoily to me.

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That was not the point of the statement. Absent any complicating factors, the current recommendation by the appropriate boards to vaccinate. Please read it as a generic statement and not take it personally. Thank you.

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Well, feel free to enlighten us. You’ve given us WFH. What else have you got? I’m sure everyone would find it very educational to learn about various medical conditions which make the vaccine a bad idea for a pregnant woman. Or is this when you go full MTG and lecture us about HIPAA?

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Lol police.

Yeah the data on pregnant women is pretty new according to google.

Actually just called my sister because I vaguely remember her telling me about it. Turns out she wasn’t eligible yet anyways but her doctor told her since she doesn’t work with the public she shouldn’t worry about it.

I seriously don’t understand why everyone is so mad.

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No doubt there is a timing issue at play. I’m not going to fault an individual OB/GYN for being cautious before that recommendation came down. But if the OB/GYN told the pregnant woman to wait, and sees the recommendation later (which they could not have possibly missed), then they absolutely need to be calling up that pregnant woman and giving her the most recent recommendations.

You don’t think a doctor should consider medical history when making decisions?

Well if she wasn’t eligible for the entire time she was pregnant, then I guess you could have lead with that.

And don’t attack as a first attempt if you want to clear something up.

And that means all of us. I’ve certainly done it.

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No, man. It’s just these conversations all go the same way:

Antivaxxer: You don’t know my medical history.
Rational person: Well, that’s true. So what element of your medical history makes the vaccine contraindicated for you?
Antivaxxer: HIPAA violation! (Or insert bullshit reason of choice here. You’re almost never getting a well-reasoned response here. If it were something like, “I have a documented allergy to X component in the vaccine”, then they would have just said that instead of a the vague “You don’t know my medical history”).

I can’t speak for everyone, but I’m not mad. This is just how I talk.


This is not really a “clearing up” issue. It’s completely disingenuous to say “My sister’s doc recommended against vaccination” and then follow that up later with “it’s because she was never eligible for the vaccine in the first place”.

Now if he is suggesting that the doc would have made the exact same recommendation even if she was eligible (and that part is not clear), then the rest of the discussion (or attack as you put it) is appropriate.

This wasn’t a conversation with an anti Vaxer. My sister is Vaxxed now and took/takes covid more serious than the majority of this forum.

Seems best to let this be and move on given it’s personal and none of us know this person’s medical history.

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That was a response to your very generic statement of

You know perfectly well that no one actually thinks that.

Pretty sure Dan thinks I’m the one attacking people. I think it’s because my avatar is yelling.