COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

No idea what pregnant women are being advised.

Meets the technical definition, but I’d prefer not to go there on this one.


Would love to see one of these cases go to court.

“And how do you intend to prove that Mr. Vaccine solicitor read the note you posted on your door?”

They are being advised to get it. And pretty unequivocally.


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My sisters doctor told her not to get vaccinated while pregnant. This was back when the vaccine first rolled out. Not sure if that matters.

They’re being told to get the vaccine.

ACOG (largest OBGYN association) has recommended from the rollout.

My wife got vaxxed in February while pregnant. Doctor was encouraging even at that early stage.

Wife and now-5-month-old daughter both fine obviously.


I’m not about to say that there aren’t individual factors that could outweigh that general advice. Furthermore, there are probably docs out there who have their own opinions that may vary from the mainstream (like the ivermectin pushers). Having said that, the recommendation seems pretty fucking strong and if I were pregnant (or more realistically, wife) I’d be interrogating the fuck out of someone who advised otherwise and seek a second opinion, before choosing to forgo the vaccine.

he’s already trying to withhold the salary of school board members and superintendents.

my local school board wouldn’t even take a vote on mask mandates. I watched their work session this past week. the strategy they actually suggested is to not require masks but instead just shut schools down (which they’ve already done because 1/4 of students are on quarantine).

it’s the third week of school.

ACOG also recommends that your pony get a vaccine.

The doctor did say that if she didn’t work from home that she would recommend getting it.

I’m sure she is a good doctor. Not sure why so many people who aren’t doctors have such strong opinions about it.

My sister and niece are fine obviously.


The ACOG is the opinion of doctors. Lots of them. Most of whom I’m sure are highly regarded.

I mean the ACOG could have easily said we recommend the vaccine in all individuals who aren’t able to WFH or otherwise isolate themselves. Did they just not think of that?

Yeah, this. Maybe they should be getting told to get it. My wife’s pregnant friend was just advised not to get it “yet” by a seemingly competent and well credentialed OB/GYN in SoCal. Just a reminder that every med school class has people on the wrong end of the curve.

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Maybe they thought that would cause people to be vaccine hesitant.

I’d be willing to bet that if we asked that OB/GYN exactly why she shouldn’t get it “yet”, we’d get some argle-bargle about the vaccine being rushed or not knowing the long term effect. There would be no reasoning beyond that if you tried to pin them down. If we don’t accept that from your garden variety MAGA-rally-going-antivaxxer, then why is it any more acceptable from a doc?

Now you might say well the doc is more educated on these matters and surely has reasons based on their training and experience. Maybe, they do, and certainly I’d be more inclined to give them a chance to explain. However, they are not exempt from the need to explain their reasoning. If they can’t articulate their reasoning, then it’s the same nonsense we hear from a regular anti-vaxxer but dressed up in a white coat.

The doctor was wrong about this topic.

I’m glad you know my sisters full medical history to make this call

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