COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Grand opening, grand closing for the employer vaccine mandate as an appeals court (5th circuit) has granted an injunction putting it on hold.

I predict the Supreme Court would uphold
government vaccination mandates but is going to strike down using OSHA rules to make employers enforce one.

Scheduled my booster and flu shot for Tues. I am younger and donā€™t qualify for any other health related things but Iā€™ve worked in a manufacturing plant throughout the whole pandemic so I just put that Iā€™m in a high risk work environment. They donā€™t check that stuff anyway, if you want just lie about it and youā€™ll be fine.


Scheduled booster for Next Tuesday. Found out ā€˜Former Smokerā€™ was a qualification, so that bad choice finally paid off.

The kiddo got Placebo in the Pfizer trial as we leaning towards since she had 0 reaction. However I think maybe that is better at this time so She can be more up to date than 6 months out. Jab 1 for her in 10 days.


Anyone here have insight on the timeline for under 5 vaccination? Any search terms I use just bring up news about 5-11 year olds.

I fucking wish. Havenā€™t seen shit. I canā€™t say Iā€™m expecting anything before the new year.


Yea, seems like thereā€™s no info easily available. Literally have no clue if weā€™re looking at Jan 2022, 2023, or somewhere in between.


Pfizer will have trial results showing the vaccine is safe and effective in December, so should have approval by late summer.


If someone set a line on any kids at all under 5 being approved at 5 months, Iā€™d have a hard time picking a side.

Everyone deserves a kick in the nuts in this scenario. Not sure if thatā€™s a piping hot take, lukewarm, or just standard.

Whatā€™s wrong w the docs? Doing the right thing and gritting the right wing. Capitalism at its finest right there.

Not sure if serious, but the doctor-patient relationship is not a simple business relationship. It creates obligations that make this blatantly unethical. It would be like a lawyer grifting his client. Even if the client deserves it, itā€™s still wrong. Even if it is kind of funny.

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But have you considered the lulz?

Yes. See above:

Late summer? After data in December? The fuck? My anger is not at you, of course, but thatā€™s some shit.

Thank goodness that never happens!


He was being sarcastic. Probably first quarter of next year.

NYC marathon back today
Feels good

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