COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

This is a scientist giving a rundown on the new combination:

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Whatā€™s the line on the anti-vaxxers rejecting this new treatment for covid and sticking with the really proven stuff like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin?

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Iā€™m not sure what you mean by crossover. It seems that the gene is very highly prevalent in that specific population (i.e., South Asians, not Filipinos). The article also says that it is extremely rare in East Asians. If we know it is common in South Asians but rare in East Asians, I donā€™t think there is an obvious way to guess which group Filipinos would be more like.

Historically, there was much more contact between the Philippines and East Asia, than Philippines and South Asia. If anything I think one would assume that the prevalence of the gene in Filipinos would be more like the East Asian group than the South Asian group.

So, to be clear, this would be the common definition of South Asia? Yah, I could see there not being a ton of overlap between the Philippines and that area.

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Not sure about Afghanistan, but otherwise that is what I think of as South Asia.


Pretty much this.

I could personally go either way on Afghanistan.

Pretty good, mostly because itā€™s made by Pfizer.

I have been wondering that myself. If they are not hypocrites (lol) they will not dare use it.

To some extent. Nice to have someone to root for in the playoffs.

Iā€™m now
1 Lions
2 Eagles
3 whoever is playing Rodgers

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Nice job, media.

ā€œI talks with UN so this treatment can be produced and sold at low cost in other countriesā€

Yeah but $1,000 per pill in the USA#1!

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Iā€™m sure there is an actual scientific answer to what specific ethnic populations have the gene prevalence. Iā€™ve read enough scientific lit for my job this week. Iā€™m tapped out.

Well, sure, but someone has to actually study that first. If it has been studied in Filipinos, it wasnā€™t mentioned in that link. Given the description of the database that the authors of the study relied on, it doesnā€™t seem like there would have been a large number of Filipinos present.

If you know where the prevalence stats in Filipinos can be found, Iā€™m sure everyone (especially Rugby) would be interested.


Thatā€™s the problem, not the type of thing Iā€™d find in the microbiology/;
Fermentation literature.

Iā€™m not invested enough in the discussion to go digging that hard.

like tiny paratroopers drafted into the eye of an ongoing hunger warā€¦

@Mixed_Metaphor_Dog says WOOF!


My kids got jabbed. Such a relief.


If you are an American of the USA #1 variety, thereā€™s a good chance your BMI qualifies you.

Really hard to get an appointment for kids around here, which i suppose is a good sign, so still going to be two weeks. The local clinic registration went up without notice and was banged out within an hour.

Not approved in the UK yet (for under 12yrs) but I guess weā€™re waiting to see how it goes in the US

Video enclosed with what I suspect is a typical US family weighing up the +/-'s

Like I always said, itā€™a a numbers gameā€¦

Eyes on Portugal to see if their ~88% vax rate stops the spread