COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

New restrictions when eating out in CR:

Waitress: We have to check that you’re vaccinated.
Me: Okay, let me get my phone reaches for phone
Waitress: [interrupts] No, you’re fine.

I can already feel the lockdown coming, especially given that we had almost 10,000 positive cases yesterday, the most cases in a day since late March.



How the Ministry of Health works here

  1. Bring up a policy you’re thinking about doing at a press conference
  2. See the public outcry
  3. Don’t do it

They have no real reason to do anything right regarding covid. The current government is a lame duck that exists while the new one is being negotiated.

I didn’t realize The Economist has a tracker for this:

Their estimate is 16.8 million, which edges out the low-end estimates for the Spanish Flu and the Plague of Justinian. :open_mouth:


15 hours since my Moderna booster and I feel good. I was a bit chilled, though not shivering, overnight. I took 3 Ibuprofen pills. I try to avoid them because they’re not great for my kidneys, but whenever I take them they work fantastically well. I only have mild pain at the injection site, and I really don’t see that as an issue anyway. This was a good decision.


Straight into the gonads.

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I am sure this is how it will work in Los Angeles. When I went to the Dodger game a few weeks ago there was a vaccine/testing requirement, but all anyone was doing was waiving their phones at the “checker”.

It does not seem fair to expect retail/hospitality workers to be the on the vaccine-checking front lines, but I don’t have a better solution. The actual police sure aren’t going to do it.

Pfizer booster on board (after Moderna in April).

Flu shot on board as well.

Plan on some ibuprofen at first sign of symptoms or bedtime tonight at the latest. Tylenol if the fever spikes. I tend to hit 103 which sucks ass.

Super busy at this CVS.


Yeah public venue vaccine mandates are pretty untenable for these exact reasons. People will learn quickly that no one is checking. The Clippers playoff game I went to they never even asked to see the vaxx card, even though I was supposed to be in a vaccinated-only section.

After banging re-dial on our pediatricians’ phone for a while this morning, youngest kid is booked for a Friday morning COVID shot.

Not really sure what happens after that. 5 weeks from now, everyone in my house will be fully vaccinated. But we’re still going to keep masking indoors, and we’ll probably continue avoiding indoor restaurants for the forseeable future. The one thing that will change is that I’ll probably start traveling for work again. I had a hard rule that I wouldn’t travel until the household was fully vaccinated, so I guess I’ll start traveling again?

I don’t know. I hoped this would mean my life would return to normal, but I don’t think it will. Which makes me wonder when it will seem that way.


The current guidance is you don’t need masks when local transmission is low but not zero. I would use the CDC map and go back to normal when indicated.

Would you say your aversion to trying to return to normal is based strictly on fears of (possibly asymptomatic) breakthrough infections that you inadvertently spread to others? Or are you still concerned about you or other family members contracting a serious case themselves?

I totally respect everybody’s personal level of risk aversion, but I’m just curious and trying to find out where people’s heads are at. Sometimes I feel like I was much quicker to return to some everyday behaviors (going back to indoor dining although not nearly as much as previous, etc.) once my entire household was vaxxed, while some people here are talking about having still not set foot in a grocery store in two years.

At this point, I honestly have no idea, and that’s exactly why I feel like I’m in such a fog. The idea of being unmasked and in close quarters with other people feels very uncomfortable to me right now. But I don’t know if that’s because I actually fear getting infected, or because it’s something I haven’t done in almost 2 years and it’s just a matter of acclimating.

It feels tribal sometimes, like when I’m at a grocery store and I see someone walking around without a mask even though there’s a very clear sign saying “masks required” at the entrance - I am super angry at that person and don’t want to be like them. But that seems like a really sub-optimal way of thinking about it. I’m ~completely safe, but I still insist on wearing a mask and not living a normal life because I don’t want to be (superficially) like the crazy anti-vax/COVID-denying people I hate? That seems insane, but it’s probably close to the truth.


NYC mayor elect will revisit vax mandates for municipal workers Jan 1. Not great.

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What’s the source on this?

I dislike the new anti vax anti-covid people way more than old school vaccine causes autism people. Especially if they’ve had two kids who’ve had autism. At least they could point at a major study for a long time.


Anecdotally, I’m not aware of anybody at the cigar lounge I belong to getting covid, and I regularly see about 50-60 members. The vast, vast majority of members are Trumpy GOPers. I think I’m 1 of 3 liberals in the entire joint.

Also, I have a group of friends, about 12 or so, that are cigar smokers, and nobody contracted covid, either. A few of them never took any precautions, even at the height of the pandemic.

Both kids, 6 and 8 with first shots in arms.

Silicon valley appointments all got snagged quick but luckily santa clara County is massive and includes Morgan Hill and Gilroy, wide open schedules.

3 hours round-trip 16 hours post booster though is taking a toll. I need a nap.


If smoke kills the bacteria from apple seeds why not COVID?!

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It’s from the ACIP CDC advisory meeting. The full presentation is here:

The tables I posted start on page 8 of the document. Footnotes of those tables have authoritative sources.

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Kid #1 got her first shot today thanks to my wife hustling to get an appointment. Most sites in the city won’t start vaccinating younger kids until tomorrow or later. Now we just need to get her fully vaxxed and wait for kid #2 to turn 5.