COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

I think Victoria has one of the tougher state vaccine mandates.

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Essentially tied at #6-#9 on the wiki list of deaths. #5 is the 19th/20th century plague deaths but thatā€™s 12-15M over almost a century.


This is probably a substantial understatement too. JHU has India at 400,000 deaths, but excess-death-based estimates seem to be in the 2-4 million range.


I think the deal seems to be that if youā€™re deficient enough in a certain vitamin or mineral, supplementing it can wind up being a pretty profound change. The problem is people with those success stories generalize that and start preaching that vitamin X is like a miracle cure for everything, just because they suddenly had double the energy and their hair stopped falling out or whatever else. They donā€™t realize that they just upgraded themselves to ā€œnormalā€ and are probably feeling like everybody else does on a baseline.

Moderna #3 hit me a bit harder than Pfizer #2. Same symptoms and severity (fever, chills, soreness) but the Pfizer jab hit between the 12-36 hour mark, Moderna still started at 12 but didnā€™t clear up until 48. Not trying to guess how much of that was due to brand vs sequence # vs random factors, just adding a data point.


Agree, with the caveat that I suspect itā€™s difficult for people with any semi-normal diet to be deficient. I have a big Costco thing of multivitamins but I donā€™t take them. Maybe I should but I have no confidence they would improve my health at all.

I got my booster shot yesterday. I originally received Pfizer and, if given the choice, was going to choose a Moderna booster to diversify my portfolio. But even though Kroger has both Moderna and Pfizer, they didnā€™t give me the choice, saying that their default was to just give patients the same shot as original.

I was pretty lethargic after my 2nd shot earlier this year, and was similarly lethargic last night (my shot was around noon). But the major side effect was that my arm really hurt at the injection site. Much more than after the first shots. Itā€™s feeling better now after some Advil, but still quite painful.

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Spot on with my Pfizer3 experience. Welcome to the BOOSTED lifestyle.

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I got my Pfizer booster on Saturday, and for the first 30 hours or so I was feeling totally fine outside of a little muscle soreness. Then, as I was ready to got to bed I got the craziest chills that lasted for 10 minutes or so. Shaking uncontrollably and feeling like I was laying on the freezing snow.

Once that went away I slept for 10 hours straight and feel totally fine now. My wife got no side effects outside of a sore arm.

All in all it was actually much better than the second shot though. Glad I didnā€™t feel like crap for a whole day like I did earlier in the year.

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I had managed to avoid knowing that she was on the list of former celebrities who have gone down the RWNJ rabbit hole.

Iā€™m in Victoria, Australia.

Vaccine required to leave the home for work. As well as to eat in a restaurant, go to a gym, etc.

Super strict. Has to be enforced by the businesses.

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Heā€™s got to be lying about the doctor, right? Maybe thatā€™s an angle - ask him to get a second opinion or something. Iā€™m sure the guy doesnā€™t want to lose his job. Maybe if he can get an actual doctor to tell him itā€™s safe.

Itā€™s hard to tell. If I had to guess, Iā€™d say yes he lied.

I opened with asking for a second opinion, he claimed he had. Thatā€™s when he went on about the nurses and paramedics, so who knows.

We have an external medical company weā€™ve hired. I might refer him there, or ask for a note from his doctor.

Technically. We can allow people to completely work from home. Itā€™s just a shittier and more expensive proposition than being mostly from home with some ability to come to the office when needed. Especially since heā€™s new, and his group of new hires will be going through further classroom training soon.


Booster and flu shot Wed AM. Want to get these done before overseas travel.

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damn. was hoping for a higher number abolished


Getting my Moderna booster this evening. I assume its okay to use Ibuprofen once the effects kick in. What about working out (pretty lightly) before or shortly after getting the booster? Any problems associated with that?


you might be uncomfortable but thereā€™s no known reason not to