COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

is vitamin d seasonal depression corelation crap or what?

what happened in 2018?

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10,000 more people die every week in January than July?

Whatā€™s the reason for this?

That period in 2018 coincides with the peak of the deadliest flu season in decades. This is born out by the fact that the number of deaths in the country during the first four months of 2018 was higher than the same period in 2019.

Cant speak on that.

I think itā€™s extremely difficult to kill yourself by ODing on vitamins; Linus Pauling gave it a shot.

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The water based ones are very hard. Fat based ones still hard but way easier

Iā€™m guessing the cold (i.e. temperature).

Yeah, my point was more that to my superficial remembered understanding vitamins were identified as things you die if you get none of, a more or less straightforward scientific issue. There can also be toxicity or death if you get too much of some, also in the wheelhouse of standard science.

Things start to get fuzzier when people start promoting vitamin A or B or C or D, etc as the pathway to health and happiness. Something maybe possibly testable with good controls and clear parameters, but more often a vista of opportunity for unprovable BS.

this more or less happened with vit C and scurvy, but in my understanding for the rest the research was quite weird and quite frankly sometimes so old that trials probably werenā€™t setup upto current standards.

This is probably squarely in @Surf 's wheelhouse.

Iā€™m pretty sure that seasonal affect disorder is a real thing. I also think that the proposed mechanisms are in large part independent of vitamin D levels (i.e., people with normal levels can still get it).

Obviously there is probably a correlation as they both have the same cause (i.e. less sunlight). However, I donā€™t think that low vitamin D levels are what is causing the mood symptoms.

EDIT: I see the Surf batsignal was unnecessary.

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SA Police announced that it would be mandatory to have had first vaccination dose as of Nov 23 and she immediately caved and got Pfizer. I havenā€™t spoken to her about it and I probably never will because Iā€™m obviously not going to troll her or anything, but I know that her concerns were basically around scare stories about long term side effects of Pfizer. I donā€™t know if getting the vaccine was directly related to the mandate, but from what Iā€™ve heard it sounds like she changed her mind about it being dangerous, which I think is probably a demonstration of the power of incentives to shift peopleā€™s beliefs.

Was there a testing option she could do instead? Possibility for religious exemption?

Or was it just no vax=fired?

Nothing like that. Only exemption is medical exemption and the standard is very strict (has to be approved by the office of the Chief Public Health Officer of the state, basically the Surgeon General).

The order says people canā€™t work without the vaccination, it doesnā€™t specify what happens then, but since this is a Direction from the police leadership, I presume youā€™d be fired for insubordination.

Just had a long chat with a employee that doesnt want to get the vax. He claims that his doctor is advising against tr vaccine, but wonā€™t give an exemption under the strict government rulesā€¦ Iā€™m not sure how to understand that.

Theres just so much there to unwind.

He has legitimate concerns about his health, as heā€™s had heart problems. But then itā€™s all wound up with misunderstandings of the science, an inability to accurately weigh risks, plus heā€™s seems to have had poor advice from people in his family who are nurses or paramedics.

Like. With a few sessions spread out, Iā€™m sure a doctor or a clued up member of this thread could probably talk him around, but we just dont have the time for that.

Which means he may lose his job, because we are all under a government mandate.

Shitty situation

These are the people I understand the least. If your general health makes you vulnerable to the vaccine, getting Covid should be even more problematic for your body.

How rare is the condition that makes getting the vaccine problematic but does not increase you risk of being severely affected by Covid? As everything under the sun is possible, I am sure it is out there, but as a medical layman this seems like a really rare situation to be in.

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Yeah. I tried that path. Like I said, the guy is not well equipped to understand the facts and make good decisions.

You mentioned government mandate - assuming a state one applies in your case. Wasnā€™t there something that Biden announced that organizations with more than 100 employees would get a vax mandate? Doesnā€™t seem to have happened from what I can tell.

Are you talking the annual curve shape? Thatā€™s the seasonal flu primarily. The extra big peak in 2018 confirms.