COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

I’m employing the strategy of living in a backwards state where most parents won’t want to get it for their kids. I’m expecting appointments to be abundant.


Went for a 3rd dose today. They said I could have my pick of brands. First 2 were pfizer, decided to try moderna for the boost. That’s a reasonable decision, right? On the one hand, no studies (AFAIK) proving it’s safe or effective, but on the other hand I can’t imagine the mechanism that would make mixing either less safe or effective. I’m broadening risk if one is found to cause side effects but also broadening protection in case one is found to be less effective. I like that tradeoff.

FDA approved mixing and matching for boosters. Presumably there were some studies to support that (I haven’t looked).

I also think that Moderna after two Pfizers would be the best boosting strategy. That’s probably what most here think also from what I can tell. The main reason is that the Moderna seems to show a more lasting effect by itself, so it would seem reasonable to conclude that it will give you a little more lasting effect than another Pfizer.

I also (not based on any hard evidence) think that it is probably better for your immune system to receive different stimuli. So I think receiving the different vaccine would be more protective. That also leads to Moderna for you.

However, if you got two Modernas before, then it is more tricky, imo. I would personally say to get Pfizer for the aforementioned reason. However, I’m pretty sure most here would recommend another Moderna because of its more lasting effect. In fact, I think someone ran a poll on this upthread.

I also think the consensus is that the difference is probably not that big. However, I do think that most people that I have discussed this with in any depth (here and elsewhere) would say that what you did was not only reasonable, but likely the most +EV thing you could have done.


I’d probably fly the kids to Ohio (or anywhere) to cut the wait by one month or more. Less than that I’d probably wait.

That’s scary to think of society ever really broke down - how many people would get extremely sick or die when the prescription runs out.

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Yeah i have thought of that, herd gonna get thin real quick.
I think i have taken reasonable precautions .

Got boostered today. Wife and I walked into a CVS and the only thing they were checking was the date of our last shot. They only had Pfizer which is what we got the first time around.

Feeling good so far, but I’ve heard of some pretty tough side effects from several people I know. We’ll see.


I’m close to 100% now about 36 hours later. Didn’t sleep great last night and generally felt tired and weak last night and this morning.

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I’m getting my Moderna booster Tuesday evening. To be totally honest, I don’t even remember feeling all that bad from second dose, so hoping for the best.

For me, the symptoms were less intense and shorter in duration with the Moderna booster.

If I needed to, I could’ve gone to work (something I couldn’t say with the second shot).

Checked Publix’s website for booster shot appointments - lots of availability starting on Thursday. I didn’t go through the entire process to book yet, so I don’t know what they ask about medical conditions and what-not.

I remember when I got my first dose at Wal-Mart, I was never asked for any proof. Just said what my issue was either online or in-person (can’t quite recall which). (it’s EBOLAIDS, btw).

I went Pfizer, Pfizer, Moderna. That Moderna knocked me on my ass. It was only about 36 bad hours (it didn’t start until 12hrs after). And I guess it really wasn’t that bad. Just had muscle aches, fever, chills, and felt tired. I had something similar with Pfizer #2 but it wasn’t as intense.

I know there’s a lot of different info out there about vitamin D, but it seems pretty popular among medical fraudsters these days.


Seemingly every vitamin study every is bullshit. You should see the vitamin c and sepsis bullshit

Yeah, vitamin science is like: don’t get any, you die. Get too much, probably gonna die. In between, who knows.


The vitamin toxicity questions in med school pissed me off because they were always like “this guy ate some organ of a polar bear”, what happened to him or some bullshit

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That’s an awful lot of suicides due to social isolation.