COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Looks like >90% here will be at 6m soon.


Man, time flies.


Might need to update and see who got their booster

Looks like I’m heading to Germany for work in two weeks. Going to try and get the booster before I go, so middle of this week.

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It is a tough calculation as the longer you wait the more your immunity goes down, but it also seems like the longer you wait, the more benefit you get from the booster. The recommendation of six months seems to be the sweet spot.

They’re giving out boosters like candy on Halloween, though. So, it would be very easy to get another booster if you got the first booster “too early”. For example, if you got a booster at 4 and 8 months out, would that be as good or better than a single booster at 6? I don’t know.

I’m not recommending this, but it’s a thing one could do.

Is there any noticeable difference in effect between booster +14days and +45 days? I ask because my primary concern is not bringing any virus with me when I visit my vulnerable family members for Christmas.

I’ve kind of accepted that I will probably contract it eventually, so I’d trade a few weeks of elevated personal risk for being more sure that I wont harm my family. If there’s negligible difference I’ll just get it at 6mo.

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I don’t know, but I’m guessing probably not much difference. I bet there is some study out there that looked at antibody titers over time after booster, so you could find a curve which included those time points. Of course, there are probably other mechanisms at play, so just looking at antibody titers may not tell the whole story. But it’s probably one of the easier things to look at.

Are the 5-11 year old vaccines 1 or 2 shots?

So America finally has some universal health care coverage!


I have had it for 15 yrs, i assume you mean a qualifying condition. IDK, tech was looking at a chart.

2 shots, 3 weeks apart.

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Can verify my Daughter in the Pfizer trial got 2 shots 3 weeks apart same as we all did.


Really? All the time? Even just sitting around? Have you seen a cardiologist about it?

I actually knew a dude with this also. His resting heart rate was in the low 100s. They tested the shit out of him and couldn’t figure out why. He felt totally fine, though.

I assume what ikes means is that when people say “tachycardia”, they are generally talking about a temporary state caused by something. People like this dude I knew (and maybe you) where hr is just constantly elevated for no discernable reason are rare. I assume that they are rare enough that it would be weird to put it on that kind of list.

She get the real thing, or do you have to go back for the real thing? Also, thanks to you and your daughter.

We don’t know yet. They will let us know soon due to EUA, but they were already closed on Friday after we saw the announcement. Hopefully we can talk to someone on Monday or soon after to find out.

Oh, weird, I thought they would have told you by the time they presented to the FDA. Well, best of luck!

What kind of strategies are people employing to get their younger kids vaxxed ASAP. I assume the lines will be long at first. Any tips for legit, ethical things to do?

Visit cardiologist 2x a year. Without meds it is about 140 bpm resting.

On meds it’s 75 bpm.

If I ever cold turkey meds, prolly have a heart attack in a couple days.

seems to be chronic, but doc said was a small chance of it going away.

Was diagnosed at 40 and I am 55 now.

Wow! 140 is pretty fucking high to walk around with.