COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

I, for one, having a 2 hour wait at the gate for my flight, appreciate the 300 messages of diarrhea I get to now read

So… Thanks?


Every time she hit the block that ho she be on slow mode


Since I “cite or ban”'d churchill on this I’m going to confirm he PM’d me a quote that backed up his assertion but since the quote is from ~3 months before Delta became the dominant US strain it’s a bit of a gotcha situation.

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Doesn’t “basic germ theory” apply to previous variants too?

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Do you have an example of a virus or bacteria that is transmitted by vaccinated people at an appreciable rate? I really don’t understand this repeated dunk attempt otherwise, unless this is more “prevent” style word-nittery.

Here let’s just look at the post

I’m not a doctor or scientist but to me it would appear that he’s making the claim that people vaccinated with an mRNA vaccine that was 91%+ efficient (against the common variant at the time) are less likely to transmit COVID than unvaccinated people.

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Here’s my next post, two posts away:

And there has been zero evidence despite people looking for it that any strain can escape transmission but not infection. Everything shows that if you’re protected from infection, your protected from transmission as well.

I have maintained since the first vaccination data we ever got, that people who got the vaccine but became symptomatically infected could spread the disease.

That does not qualify whatsoever. Come on dude. If you’re going to cite or ban, follow through because that is still bullshit.

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4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Bickering about old drama

I think the qualification that some people who are vaccinated don’t become immune ought to be important to keep in mind, assuming people are actually interested in understanding the disease and not engaging in pointless trolling. I think it’s safe to say there’s almost no chance a fully immune person will spread a disease (though I could be wrong about this).

I don’t generally like to refer to people as “immune” or “not immune” because people who get infected after vaccination are still in most cases conferred a degree of protection – perhaps even a big one – and for a lot of people in the so-called “immune” category, people who might dodge a detectable infection after contact with a contagious person, they could get infected if faced with a high enough innoculum. It’s not that there are this 90% of the people who got the shot and are now bulletproof while the 10% got nothing out of it.

That is also true.

Bicker in the thread for it, which I’m starting to agree more and more should be closed.

Further bickering in this thread is going to be deleted and excessive bickerers banned.





I didn’t say you were the one fighting that battle.

This is all true, but it doesn’t seem to contradict what Wookie is saying.

Generally “asymptomatic” refers to people who never experience symptoms, and “pre-symptomatic” refers to people who may not yet be but do become symptomatic. Obviously I’m aware that presymptomatic people spread the virus, and asymptomatic people can, too, but I disagree that the number of asymptomatic people who are vaccinated is a substantially larger percentage of the population than that of asymptomatic unvaccinated people. We also have direct evidence of vaccinated people being contagious for much shorter periods of time than unvaccinated people, which would make the average vaccinated asymptomatic spreader a much worse transmitter of the virus than an unvaccinated asymptomatic spreader.

If someone claims I said that there is no spread from vaccinated people, I can falsify that accusation by an example of a vaccinated person who I said would spread the disease. We know those people exist, ergo there is some transmission from vaccinated people, and there always has been.

This is outrageous. Where are the moderators who come in to ban all the trolls? Where are they? This kind of shit posting is never tolerated where I come from. You post like that they ban you. Right away. No discussion, no nothing. Trolls, we have a 2 week ban just for trolls. You derail a thread: right to ban. Your pony is slow: straight to ban, right away. Posting too much: ban. Posting too little: ban. Your link doesn’t embed correctly on a tweet or video: you straight to ban. You don’t heart enough posts? Believe it not, ban. Your posts get too few hearts, also ban. You make a poll and don’t include a bastard option, believe it not, ban, right away. We have the best posters on the internet because of ban.