COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

I heard the real reason that one in and out was anti mask is that anti maskers are more likely to get covid, lose their sense of taste and not know how bad their French fries are.


1000+ I guess, but I donā€™t think either number would have an impact on how I live my life these days.

Well, you walk into the room like a camel, and then you frown
You put your eyes in your pocket and your nose on the ground
There ought to be a law against you cominā€™ around
You should be made to wear earphones
'Cause something is happening and you donā€™t know what it is
Do you, Mr. Jones?


I did not order fries. Even in the time of a pandemic we need to keep our humanity.

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interesting info coming out about sputnik approval. if you remember, they made a huge deal about approving the vaccine before everyone else, and even revised the denominator to get efficacy above those of pfizer/moderna, but failed to explain a drop off in participation in their phase iii trial. eventually Lancet reviewed the vaccinated data and signed off that sputnik was certainly protecting against severe and symptomatic covid.

well, it turns out that phase iii coincided with a pretty deadly wave of infection and a significant fraction of the studyā€™s placebo group went to get tested for antibodies. the tests showed 0 antibodies, and the participants predictably got worried, and either dropped out of the trial (stopped reporting back) or started doing some variation of zinc/hcq protocol as a precaution. in many ways this is just a response of a populace deeply distrustful in government. but in effect that corrupted the trial for an otherwise promising vaccine, even though it had reports of rather bad side effects and scaled production quality and quantity are still a huge problem for all editions of sputnik (there are now 5 different sputnik shots, including one that may be administered nasally).

does paul atreides count as an anti-gom-jabbar?


Four hours after the Moderna booster, Iā€™m somewhat itchy throughout my body and have pain from my shoulder to the mid-point of my upper arm (wasnā€™t itchy last time). Might have some mild fatigue but nothing severe.

Staying hydrated and using Tylenol made things way easier for me when I caught onto the symptoms last time.


FDA meeting discussing the Pfizer vaccine for children <12 is here:

They appear to be taking public comments?

Andā€¦ Iā€™m pretty enraged at the anti-vaxxers already.


Currently speaking:

anti-approval, obviously.
I have no idea why I intentionally listen to this shit. So unhealthy.

I canā€™t take much of this. I thought they were alternating pro- and anti- viewpoints, but itā€™s 3 to 1 idiots so far. :roll_eyes:

ā€œNatural immunity is vastly superior to vaccine-induced immunityā€, dude says half the children in the US have already recovered from covid WTF LOL

His education

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I missed that CDC making cruising COVID rules voluntary starting 1/15. We have defeated COVID yet again!

functional medicine is the new wave of quackery thatā€™s en vogue these days.

If you canā€™t trust a professional student in these troubled times, who can you trust?

Of course, obviously he is practiced at doing his own research.

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That guy finding out what Japanese pedagogy means



Disabled slow mode. Hope Iā€™m not undermining another mod, but it seems like weā€™ve mostly gotten the angsty posting out of our systems.


Pssssh, youre always telling me whether I should be in slow mode or notā€¦ MOM.


I turned it on this morning because I knew Iā€™d be away for a few hours, things seem fine now.