COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

I sort of thought consensus from studies at this point was that vaxxed can transmit, perhaps even as much as unvaxxed at peak, but just were probably contagious for shorter periods on average and were less likely to acquire COVID in the first place. Havent seen much to support vaxxed transmission not being a thing, data doesnt seem to support it (caseloads in highly vaxxed populations, attack rates in fully vaccinated prisons, etc).

I havent seen the sort of longitudinal type study you are talking about, more viral load comparisons.

Unvaxxed children being similar to vaxxed adults is an observation some people make to say children donā€™t need to be vaxxed and other people make to say vaxxed adults should not be going to the movies or restaurants.

The point made earlier that child lives are more valuable than old person lives is a good point, though it has not been popular at times.

Iā€™m struggling with what you are attempting to say here. Are you saying that the people who point out that vaccinated adults donā€™t transmit the virus nearly as effectively are like people who say that children donā€™t spread covid?

Because if so JT, youā€™re really really wrong.

JT the point here is that children spread covid really well. Vaccinated people, at worst, spread it at a fraction of the general population and may not spread it efficiently. When you make this comparison to kids, youā€™re comparing a group of people who are factually wrong with people who are 100% factually correct and saying theyā€™re similar. The fact is that they are not.

Mask mandates are an interesting subject at this point because the science kinda says that when we are cloth or surgical masking with delta we are closer to the anti-maskers than we are to the properly masked even though we certainly have a view about the anti-maskers.

We really should have N-95 in public mandates where transmission is high or substantial with the government supplying masks to everyone, but precautions are half theatre at this point we have moved on to quasi let it rip mode nationwide.

No JT, they are not similar. They are massively different, and youā€™re being purposely obtuse.


Quantify the likelihood of spread among vaccinated people over a certain age (old) vs unvaxxed under a certain age (children). Feel free to ballpark it.

For clarification, can you complete this thought? Do you mean ā€œas effectively as unvaccinated adultsā€?

This seems like it may be a point of contention and I donā€™t know what the answer or evidence is.

Who claims that germ theory suggests that vaccinated people canā€™t still catch the disease and spread it?

This is my understanding as well; Iā€™m not completely sure what the point of contention here is, tbh.


If itā€™s a point of contention (I donā€™t think that it is), then we have a very serious misunderstanding in some of the thread. In order to transmit a pathogen effectively, you need to become infected the vast majority of the time. There are specific kinds of diseases that donā€™t rely on this, things that rely on contact transmission like c diff for example. However, for respiratory viruses, this is absolutely true.

I donā€™t think thatā€™s the issue. Pretty sure JT is talking about how vaccinated people can still spread covid, which is true. My issue with him is that heā€™s making the comparison to unvaccinated children, which is absurd.

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The point of contention is whether or not weā€™re being selfish assholes for going to movies or restaurants or using cloth masks instead of N95 while we finger wag at people who say schools should be open.

Lotta fine research coming out in You Donā€™t Say?

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That ofc, is bullshit. I pointed out that the OFS advocates who argued that covid couldnā€™t spread in school were completely wrong is not that whatsoever. That research was used to open schools with little or zero mitigation measures and likely killed a lot of people. The deserve to be made fun of and derided.

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That is the point of contention here regardless of your argument with Emily Oster, who isnā€™t a poster on this site. Who do you think youā€™re arguing with? Because your current back and forth seems to be with JT and you certainly are wrong if you think heā€™s supporting opening schools.

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There were posters on this site who took this information last fall/summer as reasonable and made OFS arguments using Osterā€™s work. Bob was the biggest one IIRC.

I didnā€™t mention JT at all with that post. JT jumped in later making a ludicrous comparison about vaccinated people to unvaccinated children. That was wrong too, but in a different way. Seems like youā€™re looking for a fight with meā€¦ again.

Bob is all on board mandatory vaccinations for all school age children regardless of FDA approval, so I donā€™t think you have Bobā€™s perspective very well understood.

But your ā€œpoint of contentionā€ is with Bob? Thatā€™s what you meant when you said I was full of shit about the point of contention? I was like, ā€œyouā€™ve just had a back and forth with JTā€ but youā€™re like ā€œno, Iā€™m fighting with Bobā€. Ok.

A few posters were most def pushing Osterā€™s findings ITT. I donā€™t see much point in calling anyone out and stirring up that old drama. Iā€™m definitely going to point and laugh at The Atlantic and the NYT for pushing irresponsible nonsense.


This is irrelevant.

Iā€™m not fighting with anyone. Iā€™m posting about how covid spread efficiently in school, which was a discussion we had here micro. More evidence has come in that the people who argued that it didnā€™t were wrong. Sharing that evidence seems worthwhile.

Yeah I think those decisions are happening everywhere. I think the lack of rush to get the vaccine approved for kids is in the same vein.