COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Boosters must be really unpopular here because I just got an appointment for one for next week. They’ve only been available here for 6 weeks

Will be a bit over 6 months since my second shot

Dude is vaxxed by the way.

Openly or behind close doors because asking him about it is a hipaa violation

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Someone noted that he doesn’t talk about Fox’ rules.

Oh it gets worse:


It’s hippa, moran!

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Case study shows that children can transmit Covid:

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Woke up to a goodbye letter in my work email from a long time state employee that was the executive assistant to the CIO.

Some choice quotes:

Usually, after this much time, one would be excited to be saying goodbye as it would most commonly be because one was retiring. Unfortunately, due to the Governor’s mandate, I am being wrongfully terminated because of a choice. A choice for which I firmly believe in and one that I have no fear of standing strong on.

…one thing I am most certain of is the fact that I am able to proceed knwoing that God is in all of this and He will not fail me.

Mind you, I work in state gorvernment, and I’m certain, and my wife that works for the state in HR, confirms that the God part is particularly frowned upon. My wife is much pettier than me and suggested I file a complaint that because I"m an athiest i was offended by the word God, or pull my Jew card and say I was offended because we don’t use the word G-d in written stuff. Regardless, it seemed like an immensely unprofessional letter.

Then there were two follow ups by pretty high folks supporting her and saying that God will see her through.

The emails were sent to about 200+ people in the agency.

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Imagine dreaming of a fond farewell from public service but instead leaving with a “Buy Dumbass” sign taped to your back.


Holy shit. Someone call Emily.

*In addition, a reconstruction of the outbreak showed that most transmission events originated from within the school.

Meaning These results suggest that children may play a larger role in the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 than previously assumed.*

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The “kids can’t transmit covid” has always seemed like such obv bullshit.

So i must be missing something, last i checked children are human , and if they can catch covid, what could possibly keep them from being contagious?

Not asking you specifically , anyone?


This might come as a surprise to everyone here, but you are not, in fact, missing something, and it was, in fact, obvious bullshit.


What happened, and there were people on UP who did this, is that there were some extremely low quality studies done that basically claimed that children didn’t catch covid, and if they did, they weren’t as contagious. There were also some studies that showed little to no transmission in schools as well, but people generally left out the super strict mitigation measures taken by the schools in the study.

This work was amplified by people like Oster in order to open up schools.

People who actually had a clue know that kids are germ machines and viral respiratory infections run rampant in schools every damn year. For kids less than 5, whether or not they go to pre-k or day care is literally used as a risk factor to identify their viral exposure risk.

It was insanely frustrating to have what was a months long debate here about kids getting covid.



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The most infuriating one is the your unvaccinated kid is like a vaccinated grandma. Her point in that article is that an unvaccinated child had a similar probably of dying from covid as a vaccinated grandma.

There was no mention about how we expect kids to live longer than grandmothers, nor how kids could spread covid.


Man this guy is really owning me. I simply tip my hat to him. Well played, sir.