COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Confirmed with moms, she also get her Moderna booster shot 2 weeks ago.

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So if you remember my story of seeing my sister who is unvaxxed and talking to her, and the massive scare and quarantining I had to do because she was sick as fuck the next day and tested positive.

Well its my nephews birthday tomorrow and she wants me to come see them at the pumpkin patch. I guess I’m not really worried about catching it now because she was just positive like 2 months ago, but I don’t want to see her out of principal . But it is my nephews birthday.

Am I dick if I tell her I won’t go because she is unvaxxed?

Imo, yes.

Unfortunately you have to balance your relationship with her with the one you have with the nephews so it’s not easy.

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My mother is considering retirement if her employer forces her to get the vaccine.

She was gonna retire next year anyway but still disappointing (though not surprising) to hear. She’s on family leave since she’s taking care of her severely injured partner.

I mean I want zero relationship with her. I took her off facebook awhile back because she was saying super racist shit about the BLM protests. I love my nephew though so I guess I have to put up with her to see him?

Fucking sucks.

This is the PSA we’re seeing in NYC (can’t find the one with English text but he’s speaking English in the ad) about the booster. Dr. Chokshi says the boosters are for Pfizer right now and those who’ve had J&J or Moderna should “stay tuned.”

Nope. Fuck her. These people need to understand the consequences of their selfish decisions.

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My understanding (my CDC friends have been emphatic about this) is that booster != third dose.

For immunocompromised individuals, a third dose is required, I believe at the same minimum dosing spacing as the first two, in order to be considered fully vaccinated. A third dose is a full dose.

A booster shot is a half dose administered to broader populations at a different duration and requires separate approvals.

I believe this guidance related only to third doses, and not at all to booster shots.

Media communication on this subject seems abjectly awful. To the point that it’s almost like the journalists themselves don’t understand it.


I was away for a while, but basically this.

I think this is only the case for Moderna. I thought Pfizer’s was the same dose as the first two. Watching football, so not gonna look it up right now. Anyone know for sure?

Don’t inadvertently punish your nephew by not seeing him. If you love your nephew then your decisions from now going forward should be predicated on that. Also, I would be normal towards your sister in front of him. Kids can often sense if something is awry and not understand why.


Dan Campbell coaching like he’s gonna get fired after this season.

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CVS at least is not currently allowing online scheduling for Moderna boosters:

CVS HealthÂŽ is awaiting guidance from the CDC on a possible COVID-19 booster shot for select recipients of the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) vaccines. Check back for details.

CVS sent me an email that says my third dose was 0.3ml

The dumbass school that said its teachers weren’t allowed to get vaccinated is back

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Wrong thread?

Yes. Should be the NFL Gameday Thread

Combining Covid and nfl threads into one.

Imagine thinking you could be an unvaxxed sports reporter. It’s completely delusional.