COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

America is full of people that have never once in their lives been unable to get what they want by throwing a fit and complaining to the manager. Given that experience, it’s not surprising that many of them don’t cave.

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So if ESPN is the Fox News of Sports, then what is the OAN/Newsmax?

Where is she gonna go?

Outkick with Clay Travis is the serious answer. I’m annoyed that I know that.


She quit, she does not suffer that delusion.


LOL millennials

Florida really is the about the dumbest place in the absolute entire universe.

Thanks Ron De Santis, you absolute murderous moron. Thousands and thousands of people dead in Florida because of your political ambition for yourself.


Valid criticisms of DeWoatsis aside, it looks like this is a private school which charges $20k+ per year for this privilege. While I’m not rooting for any outbreaks, I’m not going to lose too much sleep when the inevitable occurs.

I received a SMS from the Czech Republic’s Ministry of Health to register for a booster shot.

I’m pretty surprised that I received a message this quickly when I supposedly wouldn’t be eligible for a shot until December.

Anyway, the process is slightly convoluted because you have to first register your interest in getting a booster in response to an SMS from the MoH and then once there’s a vacancy for your classification, you are given the opportunity to select an appointment. I mean they could really skip that whole first step if they wanted but then people would find themselves out of work due to the lack of busy work to verify their existence.

While I don’t expect an appointment to come soon (I accidentally chose the Moderna booster), the fact that they’re already registering me for one tells me that the interest in boosters is very low. That’s bad news for us. Looks like it’s gonna take another wave for people to get boosted.


This is relatively big news. I guess the antivaxxer crowd will use this as PROOF that vaccines don’t work. In fact the vaccine probably killed him, now that I think of it


An important factor, one that will obviously be lost on people who don’t want to hear it or who don’t get past the headline:

Gen. Colin Powell had multiple myeloma, according to a source familiar with the matter. Multiple myeloma is a cancer of plasma cells that suppresses the body’s immune response.

Even if fully vaccinated against Covid-19, immunocompromised people are at greater risk from the coronavirus.


If he had been unvaccinated, they (anti-vaxxers and right wingers) would have said he died from multiple myeloma and the connection to covid was overblown. The standard argument.


The only side effects from my first two doses were some soreness and minor fatigue. Yesterday evening (one day after booster and flu shot) I had a low grade fever (around 100.2) after being very sleepy earlier in the day. Temperature has gone back down to a little over 99 today, and I feel fine.


Not all immunocompromise is the same, but this is a bad one. If he was on chemotherapy, they really inhibit the immune system. If he was not, the immune system basically wastes a ton of energy on creating nonsense antibodies instead of the ones you need. This is a perfect setup to have a poor covid outcome.


Good luck explaining that nuance to the antivaxxers.

which cancer chemo are a poor mix for covid vaccines? specifically interested in late stage prostate cancer chemo.

Fake account on my area newspaper comment:

“He died of blood cancer. He’s been fighting it for a long time.”

So chemo is a super broad spectrum of medicines with various side effects and complications. The chemotherapy for cancers of the immune system tend to really limit immune system function, which makes sense. I can’t comment on the side effects of “late stage prostate chemo” as that’s too broad and I’m not really sure.

Heard about a friend of family that is recovering from chemo for lymphoma, like definitely not even six months out of the last round. Caught covid within the past few weeks, got the antibodies, and is doing well apparently. This person is young though (< 30).

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you’ve already lost. you think you will accomplish something if only you can properly explain it. that assumes the antivaxxers are acting in good faith and they’re just missing the right information, which is not at all the case. They don’t give a fuck about the facts, so the idea that you are failing because you just can’t explain it succinctly enough is completely, utterly wrong.


Yeah, I understand that. I was just being flippant.