COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

I think another factor here is that nursing homes were running with less staff than needed pre Covid and getting away with it because nobody was shining a light on the awful conditions in a lot of long term care facilities. Covid forced people to confront that and demand changes. In Ontario we had a whole commission launched because of the general shock at the state of long term care facilities when everyone started paying attention to them in 2020. The commission’s main response was to demand more and better staffing.


Continued good news from the home front. Dad sat is 96 or higher. His gf (pozzed but no antibody treatment yet) is at 97. Minor colds basically.

How long is the danger zone? A week? 10 days?


Well it was 4 different pharmacies that fucked up if thats the case, as well as the entirety of CVS locations as they were all scheduling Moderna boosters. My guess is that the official guidance changed sometime between early September and now?

The fake news media says that it was approved this week and fda makes it official this week. Availble by end of week i think.
Was your booster the half dose they are now recommending?

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I believe it was a full dose at the time I got it, but I’m not 100% certain on that.

Once I’m in the eligible cohort, should I be looking to get Moderna if my first 2 where Pfizer?

I don’t think it matters. I got Moderna but the only available boosters in the Czech Republic are Pfizer.

Wasn’t there some thought that mixing vaccines provided stronger protection? Has that been ruled out or the data is still inconclusive?

From some super-brief Google searching, it could be theoretically more protective. I wonder by how much though.

EDIT: Why is the link not sharing a preview?

Some sites don’t support the preview. I think the site needs to include certain info inside an html tag on the page load which sites like this use to embed the preview. ZZ or micro or a couple of others here would probably know for sure.

It is a protocol called Open Graph ( NatGeo definitely has these og:* tags. For example: <meta data-react-helmet="true" property="og:title" content="Should you mix and match COVID-19 vaccines? Experts weigh in."> tag would end up being the title on the preview. This is likely an issue with our Discourse imo.

Like I said earlier: it’s inexplicable.

There wasn’t approval to give a Moderna booster. I’m also 99% sure there was never any guidance by anybody to give a Moderna booster that existed in early September that was withdrawn after that.

I’m also quite sure that every single person in this thread who was talking about a booster was referring to Pfizer. If, at some point, there existed some sort of approval to give a Moderna booster it would seem that at least one poster would have mentioned it somewhere in this thread.

Such a large scale fuck up seems highly unlikely, but there is no other explanation.

USA Today published an article about boosters and both cvs and Walgreens said they were not going to work hard on vetting shots because they don’t want to unnecessarily impede the process.

Sounds like the mom got someone who was doing their own thing and was probably a hall monitor in school.

They don’t even have the ability to properly vet boosters so no way was this person doing it by the book. They wrote their own book. I would have asked to speak to the pharmacy manager.

Pfizer booster for me at Walgreens. They did not check my original card, in fact I forgot to bring it.

It’s kind of weird to characterize someone who was following the relatively unambiguous fact that only Pfizer boosters were approved as “doing there own thing”.

This also makes no sense. It would be one thing to give everyone a Pfizer booster who says. “Give me a booster, please”. That would be an instance not vetting. But giving a Moderna booster is something else entirely. It’s not “not vetting”, it’s just doing something (which at the time was) unambiguously unapproved.

It’s even more bizarre because the Moderna booster that looks like it’s going to be authorized is a half-dose. So they’d either have to be doing it wrong or else rolling out a different dosing scheme.

CDC has recommended boosters for certain groups for a while already.


Sorry wasn’t following it was moderna booster.

Yea I’m close to 100% positive Moderna was approved for certain groups in late August/early September. I had multiple doctors offices reach out encouraging I get it, and they didn’t specify to not get Moderna. A research study that I’m in also sent an email on Aug 17th discussing getting a booster, and linked to a CDC site that had this: