COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

I don’t understand the thread title and it’s really bothering me. There, I said it.


Really? You don’t understand it? It’s pretty easy to figure out, really.

(I don’t understand it either, but was too ashamed to ask.)


I once had a student who would email me at 12:01 AM Monday morning if the online course material for the following week wasn’t up yet. “Material for week of xx/xx is not available. Please advise.” Also lots of Karen administrators used it.

Puill Puill M______ is @eyebooger’s favorite show/avatar. Molnupiravir is a new anti covid treatment.

Things Jeffrey Epstein said for 400, Alex.

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This is the type of thing I was dealing with last week. ONe of my team sent something like that to the exec in charge of Health & Safety.

It didn’t work.


Just got flu shot and third Covid shot at same time. Hoping it doesn’t kick my butt like first two. :grin:



I think I usually reserve “please advise” for scenarios where it could be translated as “you have requested something of me but failed to provide the information required for me to fulfill the request, so the ball’s in your court.” It’s a bit passive-aggressive but also sort of justified.


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Lol please advise is 100% corporate speak for, “wtf am I supposed to do with this you moron?”


I sense some time off with pay on the way. Better line up those security gigs and start double-dipping!

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I absolutely hate “let me know if you have questions,” especially from far dumber and more junior people in my company.

Really? I often ask if anybody has questions because I’m not 100 percent sure I’ve adequately covered all the details. Definitely not because I think I’m smarter than the people I’m communicating with.


I think what I’m describing might be unique to banks. I have to interact with tons of support / back office staff who are completely unaccountable. I’ll ask them to do their job and they often respond with some bullshit about why in fact they don’t need to do their job before signing off with “let me know if you have questions.” Usually when I’m dealing with other smart people I’ll just pick up the phone and have a normal respectful conversation.

Ah. I often have to communicate technical or intricate operational details across multiple functions and multiple organizations, and it’s easy to miss info/details that people might need when they don’t have the same context that I do. I mean it shouldn’t be necessary to ask if anybody has questions, I would hope they would just ask away whether I wrtie that or not. But it seems like it’s just being polite I guess.


Effing murderer Deathsantis

that’s my county. the school board member who commented, Lynn Wilson, was vocally against a mask mandate. the schoolboard chair went on a nice little rant about how she doesn’t think masks work because you can smell perfume.

it’s the dumbest County. full on Trump country.

my gf is a middle school teacher in polk, it’s fucking great.

I didn’t know this, thought it was just some Karma Chameleon energy going on

Yeah it’s one of those phrases that’s actually rhetorical when assholes use it to imply you’re stupid, but good faith people will also use earnestly and honestly. It’s usually easy to tell which is which.