COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

I thought it was Pui, not Puill (i.e. Pui Pui Molcar)

Yes, that is correct. I think we should have just rolled with Pui Pui Molnupiravir, but our titler apparently decided to try to shoehorn a “pill” pun in there, so here we are.

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I figured there was some thought behind it, but “pill” never came to me in the 5 seconds I spent thinking about it. Agree that Pui Pui Molnupiravir would have been much better.

With all TL3’s able to edit titles, I’m surprised we haven’t had a title edit war yet.

You’re just overreacting like a typical liberal. Remember that many of those school staff would have died in school shootings had they not died of Covid. So it’s no big deal, really.


I see lots of comments from local people that is basically this "what were there comorbidities? did they never leave the house? can you prove they got it at school? "

This was a fun review to read about my favorite pho joint.


Went into the anti-vaxx rabbit hole for a few minutes. This is the shit they’re consuming 24x7.

I am afraid to read any sub stack link.

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I’ve had 3 maga antivaxer acquaintances come around on getting the vaccine in the last few weeks. They are 35-40, relatively healthy, and probably not true antivaxers, just deep in maga bullshit, antivax disinformation, and thought they were young and healthy enough to avoid getting vaxed. Now that people they know are dropping dead left and right, and not particularly old and unhealthy people, some are starting to come around on the vaccine. This is rural Ohio fwiw.


The less crazy will start saving themselves. The total nut jobs will continue to get it unvaxxed.

Darwin baby.

It’s this letter sent by a law firm specializing in anti-vaxx causes.

I am 90% sure this guy is a douchebag lawyer stirring up interest in “litigation” against vaccines. I don’t think he’s a true believer, I think he just wants to dupe people into paying him for legal advice about how to fight vaccines.

One of them has a twin brother. When the twin brother heard, he called and said he wouldn’t be around him anymore after being vaxed because he heard the vaccine is where the delta variant is coming from.

Jesus. She is saying she, as an emergency doctor, has seen the vaccine cause Quadraplegia. It’s crazy.

It’s cool how America manages to function day-to-day when fully 10% of the public are straight-up lunatics.


How much can I put on the over?


She is getting a run on right wing media and social media looks like.

Waiting for the other shoe to drop…

The recent look at Iranian waves and potential increased severity of reinfection tempers my victory lap on this. One potential end game is the unvaxxed now expect to live to 50 good news vaxxed live to 60.

Just one piece of it. Good news vax helped for now but waning boosters drift etc still tbd

Taking all of this with some grain of salt but think she has the right conclusion, we don’t really yet have a path to end the COVID-19 pandemic.

We can see signs of the erosion of the day-today everywhere around us.