COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

I dunno, I think lawyers have done way more harm as a group than doctors and deserve more scrutiny/hatred than doctors. But I’m probably biased because I’m an attorney and have much more detailed knowledge about how we fuck up society than I do about doctors. My buddy who does bad faith insurance work for plaintiffs, mainly against doctors might have a different opinion, though. I’ll ask and see what he says.

“hey so what should I tell my cousin whose parents both died of myocarditis after the vaccine”

-I would tell your cousin they are a liar as there have been 0 deaths due to vaccine caused myocarditis worldwide.


Called our provincial health line about the three vaccines and got a huge :man_shrugging:

Guess I ask the pharmacist next. :grinning:

Victor man I know what you went through sucked, but even in that case I’m not sure anyone did anything wrong.

@clovis8 i dunno I did flu/Covid at the same time and the only reason I wouldn’t do it that way again is because I sleep on my side and it meant both shoulders hurt for one night.

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The shingles vaccine kicked my ass way worse than the other two (both doses of shingles). Two full days feeing like my big body joints got worked over by 10 year olds with souvenir baseball bats.

If you could get them all at once I would assume it just be two days of suckiness and then over with.

No idea if it would impact effectiveness. Obviously a lot of kids things are given as a group.

Confirmed Dad got the Regen-CoV antibody mixture.

He sounds good this morning (happy bday #92). His 89 year old girlfriend has some symptoms and is going for a test. No clue if he passed it on or they got it from the same source. They are not homebodies.


Sounds way better than getting shingles, speaking from experience. I’d take the 10 year olds any day over that shit. I actually need to try to get Shingrix again. Nobody would give it to me when I tried a few years ago because I was too young. Maybe having gotten shingles it’ll be permissible now.

I asked my PA about boosters yesterday and they shrugged.

My doctor would tell me to get it so I am going with that assumption.

My SIL (my age) got shingles which after seeing and hearing about that got me in for my shots ASAP.

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Pharmacist says do shingles and flu today and Covid in a couple weeks. 🤷

That seems backwards to me tbh

Makes sense to me as I am already fully vaxxed. This would just be a third shot I’m only allowed to even get because I have a mixed doses.

What about a crooked pharmacist that will give you one for $100? LET THE MARKET DECIDE!


Not that it changes the fact that they are full of shit but…

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Incredibly stupid take from the NYT:

He seems confused that children are expected to live longer than adults. It’s a whole thread of basically that kind of nonsense.

Oh and he’s arguing for Oster, the real hero here…

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My wife got shingles a couple weeks after the first Pfizer vaccine. I assume it was related to the vaccine making her immune system go haywire. She’s 34

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NH is the dumbest supposedly “smart state” in the country JFC.


Interesting. I had it about 2.5 months after my second Moderna shot so I don’t think there was any connection for me. Was 31 at the time, but have other immune issues as well. Hope your wife had an easy go of it.

Weird same here, my wife’s boyfriend got syphilis right after the Pfizer shot. Chilling.


I haven’t gotten laid since my first pfizer shot. Also chilling.