COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Yeah. I’m going to make sure we’ve got me and a few other senior leaders in there to help manage it.

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For those considering a booster but hesitating due to moral qualms, one option might be to talk with your pharmacy staff and volunteer to take a dose only if they have extra doses at the end of the day that would otherwise be discarded.

So germ theory holds and vaccinated folks aren’t good at infecting others.


Got his infusion today. My brother got him a pulse ox. Doc says 88 is the go to the hospital number. He was tired from the hospital, but otherwise sounded strong.

Glad to see evidence that he is unlikely to infect his partner or other family he saw over the weekend.

Still I’m backing out of a client trip to Germany next week, I don’t want to be overseas during this.

(That plus my client has pussy footed around which has doubled the airfare cost and they need to pay my travel time for 10ish meeting hours). I will wait to go until the actual process run which should make it more worth their while).

I can get up and zoom at 4am my time.


That’s what I’m worried about.

I dont think the level of crazy in Aus will quite match the US level, but might get a couple of weird ones.

What exactly does this mean? Piling on anti-vaxxers? Or something else?

Anti vaxxers piling onto the presenter. Lots of “I read this, prove it wrong” and reinforcing each other.

That makes more sense. However, I’d like to think that whoever you are hiring would be able to handle a good deal of this on their own. I mean, that’s what they’re there for, right?

Yeah. I would hope so! Will see how it goes.


I’ve heard of one suit filed in Waukesha, Ins0’s Promised Land.

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Second vaccine finally done!

Mrs Rugby managed to book in, so I went along in hope of a walk in and it was all good.

Australia was lagging behind but is catching up fast now.


gjge conservatives, killing your own constituents.

Somehow it will just make the survivors madder at democrats.


Dumbass antivax older brother now has come down with the “flu”. His 10 year old son just recently came down with the “flu”. Despite my older doctor sister who has been vaxxed, and still caught COVID, begging him to get vaxxed, fell on deaf ears. Sister even told him…um pretty much every “flu” in that age is COVID right now, please get him tested. No test, and brother hasn’t gotten a test. Instead has been lying on the couch watching whatever snuggling with the 6 year old daughter and 2 year old daughter.

Only thiing I will say in my brothers defense is his wife got vaxxed since she works in the hospital, and had reactions so bad she checked into the hospital.

But god fucking damn it bro


NSW hit 92% of 16+ having had their first dose. Requiring to show you are fully vaccinated to enter non-essential retail and bars really pushed those numbers up. Although at the moment it is trivial to fake that PDF as people don’t really check what is written on it. Was nice to finally get a haircut yesterday and meet a friend for some food and wine.


Random question sort of Covid related.

I need to get third Covid shot, flu shot and shingles vaccine. I assume I should spread these out? Any suggestions on how much and in which order?

There is some conflicting info online.

Don’t see why you shouldn’t get them all at the same time.

Why are you asking us/looking online and not asking your Doctor? :slight_smile:

Honestly this thread has been a better, more reliable, and more ahead of the curve source of information than plenty of doctors throughout the entirety of the pandemic.

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