COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Definitely disappointing vs.Spring hopes, way ahead of where it looked like we would be about a year ago. Not an ideal new normal, but if we could just ramp up cheap rapid tests and vax kids we at least have a path to tolerable for the next few years IMO. Would definitely be willing to do more things with a fully vaxxed family and the ability to easily rapid test to reduce potential spread in our community.

That said, I have a second hand connections to higher ups at Pfizer. The recent messaging Ive gotten off the record is enjoy these good old days, they expect something close to full evasion to this gen of vaccines sooner rather than later. Obviously they arent disinterested parties, and they still feel good about the ability to revaccinate and are optimistic about improved vaccines and the long-term, but the messaging was definitely that given the unchecked spread they are planning for these vaccines to become a lot less useful sometime in 2022. Could be bullshit, but trying to enjoy life now and not look forward to a near-term return to normalcy as much.

lol police


Anyone even stop to consider for a fraction of a second that the reason close to no decent people want to be police is that it is currently an authoritarian cult comprised of roided up shitheads?


My wife and I went to a comedy show that required proof of vaccination and we still wore KN95s throughout the show just to be safe. It felt suuuuuper weird to be sitting close to random people.


Thats actually a really good point, a good mask should derisk things a lot.

“People fail to realize last year we wiped out 614 vacancies out of last year’s budget, and when we talk about that we’re down 1,000 officers, we’re actually down 1,600 officers.


Like police are so rotten I truly have no idea where to start, even in a perfect world. Weird how a job that confers functional immunity to violently terrorize people seems to attract the most power-hungry monsters humanity can offer up.

Basically this


Weren’t a lot of these police shortages getting started even pre-pandemic?

Many cops seem less than comfortable having their actions monitored and scrutinized with body cameras, civilian review boards, and increased public awareness of their proclivity for lawlessness.

Which only reinforces your point.


I agree with the point. I think the unifying issue here is that the well paid professional class wants somebody to do the jobs teacher, nurse, cop, but they sure as hell don’t want it to be them that has to do it. The technocratic class doesn’t want bad teachers, nurses, cops but they’d probably prefer bad ones to none. We have seen this in a stress condition during Covid when parents had to do a lot more on the schooling front and it basically broke them.

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There are teacher and nursing shortages in America. So I can see the downside there.

As for cops? Those antivaxxers can fuck off.

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These professions that lean right are SO CLOSE to figuring it out! Just can’t quite get there. Here’s another one.

Burned out from 2 years of a pandemic and…blaming the people actually trying to end it. Could these feelings possibly be related to a political party with immense power actively fueling the virus and denying any form of state assistance? Nah, fuck it, must be the libs fault.

Does Biden Have A Pilot Crisis? Let’s ask some Republicans and print what they say.


Had initial Pfizer vax a bit more than 7 months ago. Early 40s, probably pretty average health-wise for an American, little overweight, borderline blood pressure, very minor heart thing but meh. Work in an “institutional setting” (college). Blue state, ~5% positivity and 33 cases per 100k on the 7-day rolling average and steady to slightly increasing.

Debating whether to booster up now, squeeze out some more of my waning science juice immunity and grab one in a month or two since maybe things will get worse in the winter. Tedros says its immoral to get one, but whatever, every man woman and child for themselves.

  • Get booster ASAP
  • Get booster in a month or two when it gets cold
  • Don’t bother
  • bastard

0 voters

If you can get it, then get it.

I have to wait until December 8th.

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Just got this from my school district.

We have been notified by our County Office of Education that we are in line to host a Covid vaccination clinic on November 1, 2021 (provided the vaccine is available). This will allow all of our students age 5 and beyond to get vaccinated.


Where are you?

Bay area CA

I probably would’ve voted to get it regardless, but this clinched it imo.

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This is another example of how, in reality, the whole free market unions and worker actions are bad for the economy was 100% subservient to ideology. They were all terrible when it was for higher wages and better living conditions, but in protest for the Republican agenda it’s great! Seems like Republicans are the party of the working class now!

Update on the vaccine mandate in aus.

My company has implemented my suggestion.

We are bringing in a bunch of experts on vaccines and vaccine hesitancy.

Going to run a Q and A sessions for anyone to find out more about the vaccine. Then offer 1 on 1 consultations for anyone who wants more advice.

Hopefully this will get a bunch more people over the line.

Slight risk it turns into a dumpster fire of anti vax pile on. So fingers crossed it’s okay.


I would just snap fire anyone that tried this.

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