COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Listening to some corporate radio in Hawaii, and like every other commercial break they have a covid update, with new and outstanding cases, and deaths. Today’s new cases 18, and trending down. They talk about when there will be large public testing and vaxx sites, and thank everyone for getting vaccinated and taking precautions. On mainland corporate radio, they only have occasional spots about how people didn’t want to get vaccinated but “did their own research” (but usually also talked to their doctors) and then decided to get it. Makes me wonder which is more persuasive, but it certainly reflects how much more seriously Hawaii is taking this.

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My favorite charge nurse told me today that Fauci and Gates owned patents in Remdesivir and that was some big conflict of interest.

None of that was true ofc, but still I’m a little shook.


If this somehow Judo flips the republican base to being pro industrial action (to fight against the NWO, bill gates, pedo agenda) it’ll all have been worth it and then some.

Fuck. My Dad (92 tomorrow) has it. Cold symptoms Sunday morning. Started coughing a lot. Went to urgent care. They put him on normal cough meds and he felt much better this AM. Called just a bit ago that the pcr test was positive. Voice is strong but nasally.

He is going to go in for an infusion of a “new therapy” which sounds like the Merck anti-viral to me.

Fingers crossed he just has a mild breakthrough case(Moderna) that stays in his nose and out of his lungs.


Czech Republic surging in cases now. We’re still well below average compared to the average European country but we no longer kick ass like we were a month ago when we were the second least-infected country in the European Union.

I just hope we don’t return to being the most infected country in Europe like we were early 2021.

Merck’s in the news this week for a pill though, right?

I think “Infusion” + not hospitalized sounds like monoclonal antibodies.

In any case, glglgl :+1:

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Looking through the data, Eastern Europe is a notable dim spot right now. Romania is seeing by far the worst outbreak of the pandemic. Ukraine is close to its previous worst. Croatia and Estonia are both seeing bad outbreaks. And Russia is closing in on 1,000 deaths/day for the first time.

My only solace right now is the declines in places like Brazil, Mexico, Colombia–countries that have been drilled by Covid the whole entire time, and have mediocre vaccination rates. Maybe they’re finally–finally–reaching a point of vax immunity + prior infections being enough to hold Covid to a manageable level permanently.

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Wish they’d stop paying him.

NYC also requires you wear pants in public, so if he makes the personal decision to play with his teeny tiny balls out, I’d assume they could stop cutting the checks.

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Would be ironic if it turns out the vaccines are ultra safe and the monoclonal antibodies cause infertility in men and women.

There would be significant population decline in Florida.

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Sterilize the unvaxxed. Solves so many problems. I will vote for you.

A redditor had a good comment/question:

Isn’t a ban on vaccine mandates just a mandate about vaccines?

What are the thoughts of attending indoor sporting events (basketball or hockey) when it is at full capacity (20,000), but they are strict on checking to make sure everyone is double vaccinated?

Could this just be a winter/summer seasonality thing?

I think you’re probably okay (I doubt you were singling me out for a reply).

I personally wouldn’t go to a major sporting event right now. Even though I’m triple vaxxed.

I’m waiting a few months to do anything like that to see how the covid numbers shake out.

ETA: I’m not a big in-person sports going person anyways, so take the above with that in mind. I’ve been liviing in western Washington for 10 years now and still haven’t gone to a Seahawks game.

This is going to be thrown out by a court rather quickly, isn’t it?

For yourself, personal risk tolerance based on when you were vaxxed, worries about getting COVID, etc.

For your community, would suggest at the minimum
—checking hospitalization rates and postponing if the hospitals are under pressure
—rapid testing before the event
—trying to isolate as much as possible after the event for a few days and maybe a 72 hour rapid test before going back to “normal” life if no symptoms develop
—avoiding contact with the unvaccinated in your family for at least several days post event

These events would run much better requiring both vax and rapid test IMO

I don’t necessarily disagree with this, but man it’s disappointing that we still need to be this cautious even in circumstances that require completed vaccinations for everyone.

If you want to be more disappointed, just remember that WE need to be this cautious, but frankly, nobody else is and everyone is just letting it ram and jam out there.