COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

I’d ask them if they thought online poker was rigged.

You can obtain a special dialing wand if you mash the keypad with your palm.


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Never did the FB thing but damn this sounds depressing. Sounds like a lovely hobby if it causes the discontinuation of it to be as hard as decapitating yourself.

It is so, so, so hard for me to not respond. But I can’t because I’m dealing. One of the anti-vaxxers ended up tipping me $50 on one big hand a few minutes later, never would have gotten that if I told him candidly what I thought of him.

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It’s a finger not a head.

Addiction is a horrible thing. I knew someone once who would’ve gladly lost a finger to be rid of his addictions. I doubt this is unique.

I spend like 15 minutes a day on FB max. It is very useful to me in multiple ways. Stop being melodramatic.

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Has this been posted yet? Some anti-vaxxers posted about it and I thought they were full of shit but looks like its legit.

Almost all the nordic countries have stopped giving Moderna to makes under 30

I thought the heart thing was debunked awhile ago, and that this happens way more often in people who got covid than the vaccine? Are Nordic countries that far behind?

Interesting. I know people can die from quitting certain addictions.

What would happen to an addict who stopped using Facebook?

If they don’t leave it for an even stronger social media fix they’ll do just fine.

I read something like this a couple of days ago, but I thought it was one city, or possibly just one country.

All three countries based their decision on an unpublished study with Sweden’s Public Health Agency

Probably not that big of a deal if they have supply of alternate vaccines, but it’ll probably have an effect on confidence and hesitancy.

I hear trolling the covid thread is the toughest addiction of all to break. I once knew someone who would rather have chewed off their right testicle when it was all said and done. Sad.


i was never a daily user outside of a few months ahead of ‘16 election. it was pretty easy to stop using it once the cesspool was obvious, although i nominally use instagram and whatapp still.

You didn’t have to chew your finger off? Weird.

What kind of head rush does the stronger social media give these days?

It’s funny, because I always have so few of these left, and then when I get older I find more.

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I think it’s song the lines of Moderna>others for that side effect

but still

Covid>>>any vaccine.

Which was the really misleading thing in the other study.

Who knows how good the Swedish data is maybe This guy ran the numbers



I will take your word for it on the severity of FB, though. I dabbled with some live journal in my younger days and that was intense enough. Just think of the successful detox stories for the grandkids that you had communication channels so powerful that we had to chop off limbs to escape it. And then show them the hand and watch them scream and run away.

It’s stupid, extremely mild myocarditis via vaccine quite rarely while getting better protection than Pfizer. I think it’s more beneficial despite the higher risk of mild side effects.

Finally got my covid test back and it was negative. I would have lost a lot of money betting against that result. I think I’m now mostly over it after a week of being wrecked. (A few times I started to feel better and then went back into another cycle, and the cycles kept getting worse each time.)