COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

The analysis of close to 250,000 people in B.C. from May 30 to Sept. 11 found two doses of any of the three available COVID-19 vaccines in Canada were close to 95 per cent effective against hospitalization — regardless of the approved vaccination combination.

the research showed that protection against COVID-19 infection from two doses of the Pfizer vaccine rose dramatically when the first and second shots were spread out — from 82 per cent after three or four weeks, to 93 per cent after four months.

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For one, there doesn’t seem to be a significant difference between 7-8 weeks and 4+ months. For two, 4 months is a long ass time to not be at even 82% effectiveness. How many more people are going to get infected in that window due to the delay who wouldn’t have if they had gotten the 2nd shot after 4 weeks?

Sign me up for a second does after 4ish weeks and then a booster.

Genuinely thought it was universal, oops.

Since we basically have a bottomless supply of vaccines in USA#1, this is clearly the optimal line with respect to one’s own personal mortality.


We need vaccine card NFTs.


I put in my phone number for an app here and I fat fingered the wrong number so when I try to authenticate my account it it sends the code to the wrong phone number and there is no option to fix the phone number. So fucking dumb.

Plus who knows how long the federal government will keep up the SOCIALISM of paying for the shots, might as well get your money’s worth while you can.

So many thread options.

“unique medical vulnerabilities”

Get super-fucked.

So apparently the guy who posted this:

In response to this:

Doesn’t want to have an offline conversation about the vaccine.

This is the yoga guy I mentioned earlier. Super nice guy, very smart, went to the air force academy, now does yoga and soundbaths and stuff like that. We had a perfectly cordial exchange about a post he made that apparently got ugly after I left (he deleted the post before I saw the ugliness).

The post in question was some random unnamed person who claimed to be a surgeon for the Navy for 10 years using VAERS stats in a really misleading way, and claiming that 80 people in the military died of myocarditis then insinuating the vaccine could be the cause. The only reason I replied to him was because of his previously reply to my post above. I actually thought he wanted to have a dialog.

I would put him as the most likely of any vaxx-skeptic I know thad could possibly convinced otherwise. And he doesn’t want to talk about it - even after all the BS about how to look at scientific studies.

Basically there’s no hope with any vaxx-skeptic until they see someone in their family go to the hospital, and then maybe.

Yes Riverman I know, delete my Facebook.

Deleting your FB after allowing it to infect part of your life would be as hard as cutting your own finger off after it became septic. It’s far easier to keep applying cream and hope it gets better. But for some people the infection only ever gets worse.


Reducing my Facebook use and making it apolitical through culling my friends list, using Social Fixer, and changing my own behavior was a huge improvement to my mental health.

So glad my parents never got into Facebook.

The time I spend on Unstuck when I could be reading or doing other productive things, is by any measure a bigger wasteful activity to be engaged in during my remaining good years than Facebook.

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Overheard at the poker table: “its now been proven that the vaccines are causing cancer and causing patients that were cancer free to have their tumors start growing again. It’ll all come out in a few months after the studies are finished, but my daughter works in research and this is all true. I know a woman who got the vax and then got cancer three days later.”

Entirely sincere. And that’s an exact quote. Sucks to find out about this now, after being vaxxed three times.

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I’m told by the rationalist crowd that enlightened debate is the solution to this.

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30% of all divorce filings apparently mention Facebook.


24 hours since booster and flu shot. Reaction very similar to post-2nd shot, perhaps not quite as severe. Very achy and run down, somewhat befogged. Even more than usual that is.



lol wtf

I wouldn’t say anything but it’s hard not to call the guy an idiot

especially the last part, sure she got the vax and the doctor checked for cancer b/c of that, which said vax totally caused in three days
though I can’t stop laughing at the cancer free part but vaccines caused their tumors to start growing again

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