COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Not convinced it’s winding down so much as settling in to permanency at some level.

This just reiterates we need strong mandates to be vaccinated across the board.

These people are all full of shit and most of them are just trolling with their lives. Push comes to shove they eat the dirt.


I’m reading through comments on the Facebook page for a local news station and it’s definitely looking like the anti-vaxxer narrative is that overcrowded ICUs are due to understaffing caused by firing nurses/staff who refuse to get vaxxed. Presumably, this is what they will also blame any poor economic performance on. I’m fairly certain no citation of actual statistics will sway these people.


How is this account not more popular? You think it’d be everywhere by now!


Hate this diseases and the morons that let it propagate


Lol she was going to die anyways she was 105. Still she survived all that, got vaxxed and delta Covid still got her.


See ya.

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Such a dumb life decision that will have repercussions for a very long time.

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“Please proceed, governor.”


Shoutout to my home province of Alberta! Despite having only 10% of Canada’s population, we’ve nearly hit 50% of the country’s covid cases!

Way to go you lovable redneck fools! We’re such bumpkins. They call us Canda’s Texas for a reason.


I think we need to build some moron camps.

Tldr: tribe builds some small homes so their members can safely quarantine away from family. Morons see the sign and are convinced the tribe built it so the government can lock up anti vaxxers. Tribe has to close site due to threats.


PM here just announced international borders are reopening in November, but only for permanent residents for the moment, it sounds like. Means we can go overseas for holidays again and with proof of vaccination it’s just a 7 day quarantine at home when we get back. Without vaccination it’s a 14-day quarantine in a hotel. There’s going to be a proof-of-vaccination certificate which is QR-code based and will be internationally recognised.

That 7 day home quarantine needs to go for fully vaccinated people. It makes no sense at all because vaccinated people do not have to quarantine anymore by that time if they are a close contact of an actual confirmed case.



Things are getting worse at a faster rate here in the Czech Republic.

We’ll probably push over 1,000 cases in a day in the first week of October for the first time since the middle of May. We already went over 5% positive COVID tests in a day for the first time since mid-May.

Vaccination has decreased dramatically. We’re down to about 10,000 shots per day and less than 1,000 are boosters.

I had two classes that were partially quarantined this week and two others with a couple of coughing students in them. I’ll be in the hospital next week for tests unrelated to COVID. If I ended up contracting it, I’ll be in the perfect place for treatment of a breakthrough case.

Took a gamble. Just booked flights for me and my partner back to manila for Christmas.

Depending on rules in Australia, Philippines and Malaysia (transit) this may fall through. Not to mention State rules.

Flights are refundable. But a lot to negotiate.

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Came to post this.

Seems big if true.

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