COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

I think the proud boys reenacting the VP in the navy video.


What a cock

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Iā€™m curious if anyone has any local school board elections coming up this fall where they live and if lines have already been drawn between pro- and anti-mask and -vaccine candidates.

Damn thatā€™s a big ass nazi


Definitely the case here in Dublin, Ohio

Or a bunch of tiny ones.


Awesome update. Dumbass former NY cop was notified yesterday that heā€™ll be out of a job 30 days from now (presumably for refusing the vax) after 14 years as a hospital security cop.


You might want a mask in Oregon just for the smoke.

Iā€™ve literally had someone ask for the one that starts with ā€œIā€. They were vaccinated though tbf



huh, youā€™re closer to me than I thought

Nat makes Australians seem so hopeful and nice. Their vax process is quite a production compared to what I got going to Walmart last April.

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You always know youā€™re on the right side of history when you get the Mississippi-Alabama 49-50 punch agreeing with you.

Do people in Miss and Alabama think - well I know weā€™re at the bottom of education and per capita income and most other metrics. But in this case weā€™re actually SMARTER than every other state.


No. They think Hail State and Roll Tide respectively. Thatā€™s it.

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Thatā€™s like 90% of politics these days.

Mobile (200k city) has given up providing ambulance service. They say if you call 911, the best they can do is send an EMT in a firetruck. Donā€™t believe that includes transport to the hospital.

Mississippi/Alabama: weā€™re 49 and 50 at everything but #1 in racism, haters gonna hate


A lot of the low education rank in the state is a reflection of how badly theyā€™re fucking over their Black residents, and they are proud of that


Concerning paper here out of the University of Osaka. Itā€™s a preprint and not peer reviewed.

The SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant is poised to acquire complete resistance to wild-type spike vaccines

They did a number of things here, but the main thing was taking the Delta variant and introducing four point mutations into the receptor binding domain (RBD), all of which are observed in SARS-CoV-2 variants in the wild. They created pseudoviruses exhibiting spike protein derived from this genotype and tested the neutralizing effect of sera from people immunized with the Pfizer vaccine. Although some sera exhibited neutralizing effect, this was not generally the case and some sera actually enhanced the infectivity.

One of their findings was that antibodies against the wild-type N-terminal domain (NTD), as opposed to the RBD, tend to be more enhancing than neutralizing against Delta NTD, and that itā€™s the RBD antibodies which are responsible for continued efficacy against Delta. They even wonder if itā€™s possible that immunization with Delta spike in people who have already received the vaccine might elevate enhancing antibodies more than neutralizing, and it therefore might be necessary to remove the enhancing epitopes from the spike before giving it to people, but thatā€™s highly speculative.

Itā€™s a preprint and Iā€™m at the limits of my knowledge here and not sure how seriously to take this, but Iā€™m somewhat shook.

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Imagine what happens when one of these Alabama anti-vaxx yahoos is faced with a scenario where a loved one has a heart attack or a stroke or a terrible car crash. There will be no ambulance, no hospital bed, and no staff to take care of them. Will they make the connection, or will they just demand to speak to the ambulanceā€™s manager?