COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

It’s not just right-wingers. 3rd-way Roganbros are just as bad about science. They’re the ones that bug me because they should no better.

My buddy recommended this podcast called Desert Oracle by some Sili Valley guy who cashed out his chips and lives in the desert now. The first episode I listened to was bashing Sedona over how commercial and fake it all is, which was hilarious. When he talked about the typical Sedona woman and called her a “vaxxer”, I assumed he was just using some arty shorthand for anti-vaxxer.

But then I listened to a few more podcasts. He likes to use “men of science” as a pejorative in the same nasally disgusted tone that country music songs use for Calihhofrnnniaaa.

This fucking dude should no better. How do you think you made you millions without standing on the shoulders of 1000s of Men of Science? Fuckhead.

I’m sure he gets that not all science is bogus and evil. But he’s giving his listeners license to just believe whatever they want on anything. IE - Rogan.

Science as a pejorative really pisses me off. Sure science has done some terrible things. But so has ignoring science.

The Soviets were massively against Mendelian genetics for some reason.

not that Tenn would do the same but Tenn could do it still though right?

Some of you might remember me talking about my sister going right wing because her trumper husband. Well obviously she refuses to get vaccinated now

She got sick. Fever and throwing up. Went to ER and called my mom and sister crying because she was terrified she had covid.

Turns out she didn’t. Still won’t get vaccinated.



Phillips said he caught the virus the first time in January 2020. A test found he had antibodies so he decided to not get vaccinated. He caught COVID-19 again in June 2021.

Was covid even in the US in January 2020? Was this guy in Wuhan? I’m guessing he caught the same thing I got in Dec. 2019, and got a false positive. Or maybe he’s just making shit up.

Yes, but the number who actually had it is likely dwarfed by the number who think/say they had it but didn’t.

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I wrote an article about the WPT event in Maryland getting postponed because of COVID. I discussed some of the COVID figures and briefly mentioned that two of the main reasons for the current surge are a) delta and b) too many still unvaccinated. I put forth none of my personal opinions.

Someone commented, calling my writing “vaccine propaganda” and “mindless propaganda” and that I “demonize the 100M+ of us with natural antibodies who are no more of a threat to themselves or others as those who have chosen to be vaccinated.”

Seeing as there have been about 39 million confirmed cases in the U.S., I’m thinking his number is dubious.

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We should look to Ebola to see what would happen if COVID occurred during a parallel reality where HRC won in 2016:

A. Some conservatives would have absolutely lampooned her over any possible error causing COVID to enter the US, or any bit of fabrication coming from any government at any level to withhold the severity of the outbreak.
B. Some conservatives would have said this is a giant fake NWO conspiracy and blatantly tried to spread the virus in an attempt to demonstrate that COVID isn’t real or that HRC is incompetent at handling if it is.
C. There would be a major overlap between groups A and B.

Instead, we got a conservative traditional and social media landscape that had a very tame version of B compared with what would have happened if HRC were president, and played apologist for the president instead of watchdog.

Trump was in a ludicrously better position to handle COVID (and win reelection from it!) than HRC. This isn’t any praise of Trump–he absolutely shat the bed as a leader–but more a reflection on how America in 2020 is ungovernable, largely thanks to conservatives.

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Also I pointed out before if HRC is president absolutely zero federal funding gets passed in the Senate.

Maybe, maybe a like 500 billion dollar bail out to wall street.

We would have been super fucked under her.

Close to zero chance President Hillary gets a second term after 4 relentless years of media bashing.

Is it possible this guy is actually a deer?


Oregon reinstating mask mandate for all for outdoor gatherings.

probably because of Lysenko being under stalin’s wing for a long time. after that, they were just pot-committed to being anti-west on everything

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Perfect example of how the disinformation bubble works. Twitter make take down the tweet or label it misinformation eventually. But it won’t matter. He’ll just claim he was cancelled and screenshots of the tweet will spread like cancer all over the anti-vaxx-internet.


In a surprising move out of Ohio, Ohio State has apparently mandated that all students, faculty, and staff must be vaccinated.


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Don’t be like the Proud Boys:

Be like Antifa:

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