COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Libs are really doing a great job of holding Biden to his campaign promises. Very clear that they remember all of the things he said


Did not see this one coming


He’s still promoting Extinction Level Event.

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$$$$$ and winning football games

From my brother outside Asheville.

We’re about to see how on the mark some of the jokes here were.


There is no end in sight to the threads this could go in. My favorite part starts at 2:00.

Shame on me for posting a Rush Limbaugh radio transcription, but to your point about conservative mistrust of science:

RUSH: No, but let me answer it anyway. The best way to understand science today is that it has been corrupted by the left. The left has pretty much corrupted everything it’s touch, purposefully. It’s not just happened because a bunch of people who are liberals decided to go into, quote-unquote, “science.” It’s that they actively decided to do it for the express purposes of advancing the liberal political agenda.

To leftists and liberals and communists and socialists, all that matters is the agenda and advancing it. It’s the number one objective for being alive. They’re not interested in persuading hearts and minds that they’re correct. They’re not interested in debates. They’re not interested in having to persuade people that their view is correct by having a superior view and having a more persuasive way of presenting it.

They demand that you accept it or else. They do not want any opposition. They do not want any obstacles into the implementation of what they believe, and so it’s all a game. Pretty much everybody in Washington government is a leftist and a careerist. And there are exceptions, but that’s the most of them. Science has been set up as infallible. You can’t dispute it. You can’t disagree with it.

Rush Sober for a year and a half, congrats!


Good thing I have checked and found that Rush Limbaugh is still dead.


I’m sure there will be a time when I don’t just reflexively give hearts to posts that remind me of this fact, but today is not that day.


The Nazis used to say much the same thing about “Jewish physics.”

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Putting 77 year olds on cruise ships in 2021? Why not just push them off the dock into the ocean.

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Also I think Abbott’s bans go away now that there is FDA approval. Non approval was his loophole to block mandates.

They will take horse medicine but not the vaccine.

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It’s because they don’t know what’s in the vaccine, but the horse medicine is, uh, well, inverpectin. Something like that. All natural.

And in Least surprising Covid related football news

Rick Wilson :roll_eyes: but was amused


Good lord