COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

It’s the CN vs TJ bowl, Michigan vs. UGA

All the worst luck to you in that game, sir. Congrats on going, wish I could. Miami on NYE should be nice!

Hutchinson and Ojabo are legit, can’t say I’m not terrified of both of them.

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Before I went to grad school, I actually had a real job and I enjoyed the annual Christmas party. One year I left the party with a few people to go to the hotel I was staying at. We were getting drinks at the bar and Don King was sitting there. I asked some random stranger if she could take my picture with him, and so I’ve got a picture somewhere of me shaking hands with Don King. My favorite part is that he’s sitting down and I’m bending over and my hair is actually touching his hair.

Looking back, what makes this super crazy is that this is in the pre-iphone era, so this awesome stranger not only took the picture but mailed me the actual photo.


Depends how long immunity lasts too. I’ve seen speculation from public health people that it might give us a pretty good chunk of low COVID time in 2022, but then likely a waning driven wave next winter (hopefully with less morbidity), so they suggest proceeding with Omicron booster trials because we might need that booster to deal with that wave. But too soon to know, we don’t even know it Omicron will replace delta or sort of coexist with it yet

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Beat me to it because I searched the thread to see if it had been posted since the military article is from last Thursday, seems promising though

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O/U number of UP’ers who catch covid in the next 2 weeks? Gotta be at least 15.

Three days later…

Walter Reed’s Spike Ferritin Nanoparticle COVID-19 vaccine, or SpFN, completed animal trials earlier this year with positive results. Phase 1 of human trials, which tested the vaccine against Omicron and the other variants, wrapped up this month, again with positive results that are undergoing final review

That was fast!


Contact tracing here in South Australia has completely broken down. The Willunga Hotel, on the southern outskirts of Adelaide, had a positive case on December 9 and voluntarily shut down after being unable to get any sense out of SA Health. The hotel was finally listed as an exposure site yesterday, Dec 20th. Good job, good effort.

There are apparently many other exposure sites not being listed by SA Health. There’s a Facebook group trying to track them, but it seems like the genie is well out of the bottle now. 198 new cases today of which only 49 are known source and 149 are “under investigation”.

So it’s basically let it rip time now and hope our vaccine coverage (~90% of 16+) holds up.

I’ll take the under.

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Probably me. Seems like a guarantee at this point. We’re going to test before we leave and upon return. I know going to vegas was irresponsible but I’ve burned enough family relationships over covid I wasn’t going to do it to my MIL.

I feel like it’s a guarantee for me too with all the family gatherings I have ahead. I might not know it though if I don’t get tested.

What do you feel when highly vocal unvaccinated people die?

  • Happiness
  • Indifference
  • Sadness

0 voters

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Voted indifference but needs an “amusement” option. There are like 2 people die every second around the world, the death of one person I’ve never met isn’t of consequence to me. Which is what allows me to think hubris colliding with the brick wall of the virus is funny.


That’s a happy vote as far as I’m concerned.

Doesn’t being in a state of amusement make one happy in a way.

I don’t think happy is quite the right word for it. Getting to say “I told you so” when the bad thing you said would happen in fact happened doesn’t make me happy.


I don’t think any of these is exactly the right emotion. More like “wow you actually suffered some consequences for your hubris and idiocy for the first time in your life”.


I feel the same way that I feel when I hear about a smoker who dies of lung cancer. Like it’s an expected or at least a not-surprising outcome.

stocked on these and n99 for traveling. both are comfortable for me.

I like the under, too, given the 2 week time frame. We just didn’t have that much during the last Christmas wave or in the delta wave. Maybe 15 in a month, but I think 5ish in two weeks. Unless you’re counting in your 15 UPers who are singleton posters but their whole family gets infected.

My cousin who has to work over christmas on the covid ward advised that everyone should test before the holidays. They have too many vaccine breakthroughs to be sure that your vaccination will be enough as a protection. I doubt my family will do that tho because nobody wants to ruin christmas. I am due to get back to work on the 30th to help our testing station but to a certain degree I expect to get a call earlier because somebody got infected over the holidays and cant come in. The only reason I actually want to go home is to see the eyes of my niece when she gets her christmas presents.